Tipsy's secret. Part 7.

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Page 15: April 12 1999.

It's been so long since I seen the sun. That man came in and I asked him if I could get some fresh air. He said sure and he put me on a leash again. I asked if I could visit Tesla but he said no. I asked him why and he said that he has a... visitor in there... I just looked at the man sad. He let out a sigh and he opened the door. First of all I was correct! Love WAS in there. Second Tesla was still asleep. Pretty soon Tesla woke up and Love hugged him close. Overtime Tesla looked like a tomato when Love hugged him.

"You see. He's busy right now. We should just leave them alon for now."

I sighed and nodded. We where walking down the halls and soon two men came walking up to me. I felt scared and I hid behind the kind man. I never asked about his name so I'll go for Jerry.

"Ah. It seems like you brought the little green subject with you huh?"

"What's it to ya?"

The man took the leash off of Jerry's hand and the men tugged on the leash making me fall to the ground.

"Hey! Stop that this instant!"

"Make us!"

Jerry was punched by one of the men and the other continued to tug on the leash. Jerry tried to fight back but he was getting hurt over and over again. I didn't want to watch so I put my hands over my eyes so I can't see what else happens.

The sounds of blood hitting the ground and punches stopped all of a sudden. I slowly took my hands off of my eyes and Jerry was lying on the ground. He was still breathing but he was injured badly. I tried to run to him but that man kept on tugging on the leash. Soon both men walked away from Jerry. They still had me. They where dragging me on the dirty floor and I couldn't do anything about it.

After that they threw me into my cell. I was dirty and mad. I was frustrated. I decided to hum to myself to calm down. After that I felt calm.

Those men came in and gave me another potted plant. Are these guys lazy!? They can just grow it without my help! All it needs is a little water and sunshine! And what do they do!? They make me try to grow there plants for them! I'm nothing but a green house!

I calmed down and and looked at the pot. I sighed and hummed. The plant grew into a bush. I continued to hum and and then fruit grew from it. It was blueberries. Just like how I am today. Blue. I decided to eat a few and was happy. It cheered me up even more then my humming. Soon the men walked in and they where surprised to see a bush with berries that grew on the pot. The men rewarded me with a job. I was scared about what the job could be. They put a leash on me and tugged on it again. That was getting so annoying! They brought me outside to a field. I took in a deep breath and smelled the air. They told me to make all these crops grow in the next 3 days or I will regret not following orders. They left me alon and I just hummed away. Soon corn and potatoes and carrots and tomatoes and so on and so forth came out of the ground. This is going to be a long day...

Page 16: April 16 1999.

I couldn't write in this book for too long because I needed to focus on these crops. I was almost done. Beets, pumpkins, watermelons, mushrooms, strawberries, squash, and peas grew out of the ground. I was soon finished and tired. I also felt hungry. I took a carrot out and ate it. Soon the men where astonished about the field. They looked at me and saw that I was eating a carrot. They didn't mind about it and they called in the boss.

It took the boss 1 hour to get here but he he was. He was so surprised that he had his jaw wide open. He gazed upon the field. Pretty soon he told his guards to grab me. I quickly ran away from them like a farmer running away from squires who where ordered from the king to execute this one farmer so he doesn't have to pay him. How do I know that? It's because a while back when me and Tesla where still free and never captured we ran away from a pack of hungry wolfs. We soon ran into a photo shop and hid there. Tesla tried to calm me down so he asked me if I wanted to take a picture with him to remember to tried to be brave. I nodded and we had are picture taken from a guy.

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