Is he forgiven?

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Walten: *Pulls out a letter from the mailbox*

Walten: *Pulls out a letter from the mailbox*

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Um... Tipsy?

Tipsy: What do you want now!?

Tipsy: What do you want now!?

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Walten: Are... you okay? Do you still hate me?

Tipsy: Yes I still ****ing hate you! You read my personal and private info without asking me first if it's okay or not!

Walten: You where about to let it all out soon anyways! You said that you'll someday let out your secret so stop your *****ing!

Tipsy: *Sigh*

Walten: And while your at it hum to yourself so you can calm down Green!

Tipsy: Shut up! I still hate you!

Walten: You where so innocent back then! Look what happened to you! Your grown up and you forgive people! I saved you from that cave you almost died in! Then why haven't I gotten my forgiveness yet huh!? Is it because of the hat!? Is it because I kissed you!? Is it because I read your book!? Let it go! And quit being mad! You hear me!?

Tipsy: *Says nothing*

Walten: I said do you hear me!?

Tipsy: I hear you loud and clear! So can it!

Walten: You can it! You either forgive me or you continue to be like that! What is it going to be big shot!?

Tipsy: *Sigh* ...I chose to forgive you...

Walten: There! Was that hard!?

Tipsy: Stick it up your ***.

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