A play date.

21 3 6

Bella: *Gibberish*

Clover: *Cooing*

Miles: So hows everything with your little Tiddly tubby Silver?

Silver: Well it's difficult at times but i'm slowly managing.

NooNoo: Well that's good to know. Just know if your having a hard time taking care of her then you can always ask us for out assistant.

Silver: Oh... okay.

Miles: And how are you handling your break up? It's been a while since that had happened.

Silver: I'm still a bit mad at LaaLaa but... I have to learn to let things go. Even after that heart breaking moment.

NooNoo: Oh that's does sound difficult. If Miles broke up with me then I wouldn't live with myself anymore.

Miles: But you know that will never happen NooNoo. I promise. Cross my heart and hope to die. I married you so I could be with you. I don't want to leave your side. EVER.

NooNoo: Aw thanks Miles.

Silver: Heh...

Silver: Heh

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