Infected (and one uninfected) oc's.

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Tipsy: Hi.

Infected Tipsy: Hi...

Tipsy: So your me right?

Infected Tipsy: Yes...

Tipsy: Do you know our parents?

Infected Tipsy: No...

Tipsy: Oh. But do you wish to keep looking in your spare time?

Infected Tipsy: Yes...

Tipsy: In hope we find them soon.

Infected Tipsy: Hopefully...

Infected Tipsy: Hopefully

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Star: *Whistles*

Infected Star: Hello.

Infected Star: Hello

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Star: It's a t***!

Infected Star: Your talking to yourself. You DO realise that right?

Burrito: Both of you are t***s!

Uninfected Burrito: Hello. Who are you?

Burrito: Huh? Oh hi. I'm you.

Uninfected Burrito: So your you and i'm me?

Burrito: Yes but no. I'm you and your me but you think that i'm really you and your stupid so you think that your looking at a mirror and saying to yourself that this armless freak is me but in all reality  we are we and your confusing yourself.

Uninfected Burrito: I'm sorry? You threw me off.

Burrito: Never mind. Enjoy your stay.

 Enjoy your stay

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Tesla: Hello?

Infected Tesla: Hi.

Tesla: You look like you been through Hell and back.

Tesla: You look like you been through Hell and back

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Infected Tesla: Let me just say this... don't ever tell Green...

Tesla: He did this to you!?

Infected Tesla: No. What I mean is that he would run away and never come back. This happened to me when I tried to find him...

Tesla: Okay. Noted. And luckily Tipsy is just over there just talking to his infected counterpart. 

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