You can if you want.

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Tipsy: Instead of voting for 1 hero why not 2? But here's the catch. If you want to vote then you have to vote 1 for each group of hero's.

The groups are the Defenders and the FFJ (Fighting for justice

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The groups are the Defenders and the FFJ (Fighting for justice.) Here are the ones you can vote for. Headless Dipsy, Walten, Yeti,  Tinky,  Shadow, Star, Tesla, Ron, Tinky tank, LaaLaa, Po, Claw and Arrow. Also you might ask me why I flipped off the FFJ. The Defenders and the FFJ are both groups of hero's but also nemesis. Why? Because we couldn't fit all of us in one group. And because to see which group is better. Anyways go crazy.

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