Thoughts about military tubbies and Pudding?

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Tipsy: *Pulls out a letter from the mailbox*

Tipsy: *Pulls out a letter from the mailbox*

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Connor: Why are you calling me?

Tipsy: Because this is for you.

Connor: Okay? Thanks. Okay first off...

 Okay first off

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And second. Dutch is doing just fine. He's a great friend but at times he can do stupid things. Lenny's great. He's very focused on things though and Gary tries to distract him tons of times so Lenny gets little work done when Gary takes his bloody knife. It's quiet entertaining to watch if your bored if you ask me. The captain is sometimes a serious guy but at some times he can be a b****. I'm sorry but... my opinion. Finn. Well he's just a great friend. Nothing else. And Gary. He can be playful, annoying and stupid at the same time. But he can be a serious smarta** and a good friend. So ya. That's all.

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