Tipsy's secret. Part 3.

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Page 4: March 16 1999.

I haven't been writing in this much just because I was still weak. I was surprised that I was still alive. I woke up in the room I was being kept in. I thought I was dead but I was not. The alarms had set off and I didn't know what caused it. I couldn't walk so I crawled to the door. To my surprise it was unlocked. I crawled and crawled. I saw other test subjects run everywhere. The soldiers where shooting the test subjects. I pretended to be dead on the floor so they wouldn't know I was alive or not. I stayed there for what it felt like hours until I didn't hear anymore gunshots. I raised my head and I wished I didn't. I ratter not write down in this book about it. I crawled to a door. It said exit so I went through there. I was outside. I still need to rest for a couple of hours.

 I still need to rest for a couple of hours

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Page 5: March 17 1999.

I woke up and walked into the forest that I hid in. I was still worried that someone from that testing facility I was raised in. I still didn't know my purpose yet. The people said I was made to help crops grow and keep them healthy. But I don't know how I could do that yet. They haven't told me about anything but they did say something about a 'power' that I have. I haven't understand what it could be or how I can use it. But I'll see later on.

Page 6: March 18 1999.

I was still figuring out how I can use my power. I tried to see if it could work if I stood next to a berry bush. It didn't work. I did feel hungry so I had some berries from that bush. And I wish I didn't eat them. I now had stomach pain now. Hooray!

It took me a while but I feel better now. I tried to see if I had to touch the bush so I can use my power. Guess what happen? I didn't work.

I finally gave up and just walked away. I soon found a city with other tubbies like me. I wanted to greet them but they said that I looked like a beat up hammock. How rude. Soon some of those tubbies abused me. Just like those people who kept me in that facility. Oh how I love my life.

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