Hows the love? Part 1.

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Tesla: *Pulls out a letter from the mailbox*

Tesla: *Pulls out a letter from the mailbox*

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Okay then. Well start with... the Ronsy and then the Laapo... I guess..? Ron! Dipsy!

Ron: Yes?

Dipsy: What?

Tesla: Hows everything with your life and your relationship? 

Ron: Well i'm doing quiet fine. My green lover here is still a little ticked by what  Pudding did.

Dipsy: I'm cooling down. At least my little blueberry is here to cheer me up.

Tesla: Alright that's good. LaaLaa! Po!

LaaLaa: Hello?

Po: Yeah?

Tesla: Hows everything with your life and your relationship?

Po: Go ahead LaaLaa. Tell him.

LaaLaa: Po is... getting use to it I guess...

Po: What!? I starting to hate you!

LaaLaa: Well i'm sorry! It's not like we where great friends!

Po: I wish I was never friends with you! I wish you where dead!

LaaLaa: I'm gladly happy to not talk with you if you like!

Po: Then don't talk to me you yellow a**hole!

Tesla: Alright! Break it up you two!

Tesla: Alright! Break it up you two!

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Now moving on. The Talaxy and Ann x Arrow. Green! Alaxy!

Tipsy: Yes father?

Alaxy: ..?

Tesla: Hows everything with your life and relationship?

Tipsy: Oh. Me and Alaxy are doing just fine. We still love each other and well... I still waiting for his response about the ring.

Alaxy: I'm still thinking about it.

Tesla: So... you two are about to be married?

Tipsy: Well ya. If he is ready then i'm ready.

Tesla: Okay then. Also I never knew you where gay green.

Tipsy: I'm bi but okay..?

Telsa: And now moving on to Ann x Arrow. Ann! Arrow!

Ann: Yes sir?

Arrow: Why did you call us?

Tesla: Hows everything with your life and relationship?

Ann: We are doing fine. Arrow stopped cutting himself a while ago which is great. I never want to see him hurt.

Arrow: Alright. You don't have to say that.

Ann: That you don't mind me seeing you injured?

Arrow: No. That I stopped cutting.

Ann: But it's good you stopped.

Arrow: Alright alright. I get the 'point'.

Ann: *Giggles*

Tesla: Alrighty then. thank you for your time.

 thank you for your time

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Next up is... Waltinky.

Star: Wait..!

Tesla: Huh? I thought you where dead..?

Star: The doc gave me something.

Tesla: Okay then... Star x Snowers and the Waltinky. So Star... how is everything with your life and relationship?

Star: Snowers!

Snowers: Yes?

Star: How is everything with our relationship?

Snowers: It's stable. I Still cheer Star here up when she dies.

Star: It's true. I'm still a little mad but she is cheering me up.

Tesla: Okay then. Walten! Tinky!

Walten: Que?

Tinky: Ay? What is it?

Tesla: Hows everything with your life and relationship?

Walten: Oh. I'm still helping people out in fights. It's hard at times to be a supporter but it's worth it. Meanwhile our relationship is still doing strong. Lot's of people love seeing us with each other.

Tinky: It's kind of creepy but we got use to it. We where also thinking of having a child of our own soon as well.

Tesla: ...Do I even ask?

Walten: What?

Tesla: How can YOU Walten get pregnant?

Welten: Meh. Logic. It's all you need to know.

 It's all you need to know

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Tesla: Okay then. Now moving on...

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