Episode Three, Part 2:

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Episode Three, Part 2:
Unforgivable Things

The City of Targo - located 158 miles North-West of Basilisk. 
2 days ago --

Kane circled his thumbs together, unable to sit still since he was told to wait. He didn't know what Rhea was up to, or if she had any plans on coming back; as far as he knew, they had shut him inside one of their rooms as some sort of imprisonment for not having returned with Elara, but he wanted to allow a little more time before he gave up his hope. 

Just as it was beginning to fade away, the bolt of the door rattled, and Kane was instantly on his feet, desperate to see who was there. He could see Rhea's long, black hair through the window panelling on the door, and there was an instant relief at seeing someone familiar. 

"Rhea," he uttered her name when she stepped inside, only to be greeted with her rolling her eyes. She had no care for the way he tried to suck up to her or impress her; there were very few people that truly mattered to Rhea, and despite everything he had sacrificed, Kane wasn't one of them. 

"There's someone I want you to meet." She declared. Both of them looked towards the door where after a few seconds, a young girl was forcefully pushed inside. 

On first impressions, she seemed annoyed at the guard who was quick to shut the door behind him, but the moment she turned around to face Rhea, every emotion vanished. She stood with her feet together and her head down, looking at her hands that were locked together. There was a metre-long chain going from one hand to the other, and the dark skin by her wrists was blistered open and stained with dried up blood. 

Kane didn't know what to make of her, and he wondered who she was, and why Rhea had brought her to him. 

"Chessca Jones." Rhea smiled sarcastically, clasping her hands together as she spun on one foot to face Kane. 

The older man just stared blankly back at Rhea, not knowing what she expected him to do. He glanced over at Chessca momentarily, but her eyes were still fixated on the ground. 

Rhea sighed and slumped her body, scuffing one foot along the ground. "Yes!" She whined. "This is the girl who's going to get Elara through the final stage of the Alteration. Transform our rightful Heir to her ruling." She spat through half of her words, glaring over at the girl even though she knew she was avoiding eye contact. 

Kane couldn't seem to figure out why Rhea sounded so spiteful to the girl who was going to transition Elara into ascendancy. He stepped closer to her, keeping his voice quiet so the young girl didn't here. 

"I don't get it. If she's going to help us, why is she chained up?" 

Rhea burst into laughter, twirling around and making her way over to Chessca. She stood behind her, a hand on each arm as she poked her head to rest on her shoulder. 

"You hear that Chessie?" Rhea asked. "He wants to know why you're chained up. Go on! Tell him!" 

Kane couldn't help but cringe at Rhea's excitement, beginning to question her sanity for a moment. In front of her, Chessca sighed heavily, not even bothering to look up as she began to explain. 

"I was-" 

"Ahh, I change my mind!" Rhea interrupted, barely letting her mutter out a word before she wanted the attention back. "I want to tell it!" She sounded so pleased with herself, smiling as she jumped away from Chessca, seeing the obvious frustration threaten to spill. 

"Chessca here was our most sure candidate to become Commander after our last was killed. All the other contenders didn't make it past Phase 3 and with Chess being the only one still alive, it looked pretty certain that she was set to succeed. But then it was brought to our attention that extra measures were being put in place to make sure Chessca survived. Her mother, as it turns out, was the one conducting the tests. Chess claims she never knew who her mother was-" 

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