Episode Four, Part 1:

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Episode Four, Part 1:
C h e c k m a t e

Wynn and Ares noticed Sol and Kodiak appear at the front of the Sovereign's Quarters and instinct hurried Wynnlow across the distance to get to them. Ares hurried after him, and so did a couple of guards - but Sol dismissed them away, allowing the boys to approach. 

Wynn fell by Sol's side, walking in line with her, keeping the same pace as they moved forward. He wondered if she already knew who it was at the gates. 

"It's-" Wynn began. 

"Targo. I know." She cut him off, eyes focused up ahead. 

"Where's Elara?" Kodiak looked between Ares and Wynn, desperate for an answer. 

"Quill is taking her to the Quarters. We thought Aeryn would let them in." Ares informed them.  

"Good thinking," the Sovereign replied, finding himself slightly more relieved now that he knew Elara was safe. 

"Did you have a chance to talk to Jonas?" Wynn asked, trying to predict how she would approach the situation. 

"He knows what will happen." She nodded. "And it's a good job too because Riders are with them." 

Wynn looked ahead, trying to estimate how many people were outside the gates. There must have been a couple hundred at least. 

"Are they here to attack?" Ares spoke up. The thought hadn't occurred to Wynn until then: it had just been about his sister, but with their people all lined up, he had to consider how far they were willing to go to get Elara. 

"Is that why you set off the alarms? Because they're here for war?" 

"No! Shut up for a second, Ares." Sol snapped. How was she supposed to think if he was there in her ear, unloading all his questions onto her? 

"Basilisk know to gather at the centre if the alarms go off," Kodiak muttered an explanation, debating whether or not he should hurry Sol into making a decision. 

"What's the plan, Nobel?" He looked to his friend, anxiously awaiting her verdict. 

"Get Dreea on the radio, and send someone to bring Rogue to me. I'm going out." 

As Sol stepped forward, Kodiak grabbed onto her wrist, knowing that everyone's eyes were on them, trying to figure out what they were going to do. 

"You're not going out there," Kodiak said. "They'll kill you. And bringing out Rogue? That's just going to cause all of our people to panic once they find out he's here-" 

"He won't be here. That's the point." Sol told him. "I'm gonna kill him." 

"No. If you kill their king, they'll kill you. You know that." Kodiak pleaded with her, tightening his grip on her wrist. 

"They're not here for Rogue. They don't even know we have him." Sol informed him. 

"Okay, but once they do-" 

"Once they do, they'll listen. Chances are they're here to negotiate for their Heir. If Targo allow Rogue to be killed, then Riders won't help them." 

"No, they'll just attack us on their own," Kodiak mumbled in frustration.

"Maybe," Sol sighed, "but at least it won't be two clans against one. It'll be every clan against the other, and dare I say it, maybe Riders could be useful if that happens." 

Kodiak fought with himself about what to do. He knew if he followed her plan, then he stood a chance at Sol being killed, but if they did nothing, then everyone might be killed. 

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