Episode Five, Part 3:

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Episode Five, Part 3:
You'll Always Have a Family

Sol and Wynn were outside the labs, keeping low to stay hidden from Targo. They were east of the doors, perched up by the top of the slope so they could see inside through the large windows, yet remain out of sight of anyone walking below. 

Sol had a pair of binoculars, sharing them with Wynn every few moments so he could understand what was happening. 

Finally, what they had been waiting for: Kane hurried out of the labs, alone, and with a speed to his pace as if hurrying to getaway. As Wynn continued to watch his father through the binoculars, Sol pulled out her radio, immediately calling Dreea to update her. 

"Dreea, it's Riv. Are you there?" 

"Hey. Yeah, we're at the top of the cliffs now just waiting. Have you seen anyone yet?" 

"Yes. Kane left about a minute ago. There's-" Sol squinted her eyes, paying attention to the movement she could see below. "Okay, this is good," she mumbled to herself. 

"The other's are leaving now. It'll probably be an hour before they get to you-" 


The Sovereign ignored Wynn for a moment, focusing on relaying the play to her teammate. "Make sure you're all ready to go in case Rhea springs out on you-" 

"Sol!" Wynnlow interrupted again, this time his voice seeming more urgent. 

"What!?" Sol snapped, whipping her head around to face him. Wynn simply nodded in the direction of the labs, handing her the binoculars so she could see it for herself. 

Knowing something must be wrong, Sol took the object into her possession, taking a closer look at the labs. Immediately, she noticed that it was still heavily occupied with people, and when she followed the trail Rhea was walking, she could see that she had only brought a few of the people from the labs with her.

Sol huffed in frustration, pulling the binoculars away and sitting upright, trying to devise the best way to get the rest of Targo out of the labs. 

"I-I could create a distraction and you could run in there-" Wynn suggested, scrambling his mind for answers. 

"No, that's too dangerous," Sol replied, pressing firmly against her forehead, trying to resolve the headache that was beginning to grow. 

"They all have to follow her. That's what the plan is counting on. If Rhea gets there and realize we lied, she won't hesitate to attack. If Elara's not there, then it won't be a risk to kill any of Basilisk." 

"Ares is there... My dad will be there." 

Sol looked over remorsefully, knowing that wouldn't be enough of a reason for Rhea to hold off, or maybe even for Kane to try and stop an attack. 

"I'm sorry, Wynn... I don't know what else we can do. I think we have to call the group back in-" 

"There has to be something..." Wynn muttered, refusing to give up. He turned to face away from the labs, trying to gather his thoughts as his eyes scanned across all of their belongings. 

"The radio..." He humbled to himself, eyes widening as an idea struck him. 

Sol titled her head, startled a little when Wynn repeated his words louder, wildly gesturing for her radio. She hurried to pull it out, hesitant to pass it to him, unsure what his plan was. 

As she overlapped her hand on top of his - holding onto the radio - she looked at him, silently demanding an explanation. 

"I-I'll radio again, pretending I'm at the meeting point. I'll say that something's happening to Elara and that she needs the serum. Maybe if Rhea thinks Elara is in trouble, she'll order all of her people to follow her, because she thinks she's in danger and wants to make sure they're doing everything they can to get her to the rest of Targo safely..." 

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