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As the first of several shots rang out over the square, the massive crowd scattered. Panicked. They weren’t the target and my mark wasn’t secure. I needed to find the shooter’s location before it was too late.I looked up at the various windows above the stage and finally saw the rifle. It was effectively hidden in a darken window. If it wasn’t for my training, I would have missed it. 14th floor up, 5th window over. I ran through the street of screaming teenagers to the tallest building.

The building was under construction. So, of course, the guards overlooked it. How would they know to look here? It was the perfect location for an assassination. I ripped the yellow caution tape and ran across the dusty floor. I climbed a ladder that was wedged in the wall and up the fourteen flights.  I raised my gun and searched the old office building. There were three large rooms. I went room by room through each, keeping an eye on any possible exits. No one was getting passed me.

The last area was the largest. Cubicles, file cabinets, papers floated across the floor and live wires hanging everywhere. Plenty of places to hide. But knowing this killer, he wasn’t leaving until the objective was officially completed. He was still here. Just where? Then I heard it, the final shots. I ran to the closest window, to see that my target was down.  He was surrounded by his bandmates, police and medical. I wasn’t sure how bad it was, or if he survived. I fought back my tears, trying to stay on task. I couldn’t be concerned with him right now. I needed to find the shooter. They were not going to leave this building. Not alive, anyway.

I slipped by the last cabinet and saw a figure kneeled down. He was wearing a black turtleneck, black cargo pants and a full head mask. His back was turned to me as he packed up his rifle.  I tiptoed as close as I could, aiming my gun at him. Then, I tapped the back of his head with the nozzle of the gun. He paused, raising his hand into the air.

“Get up,” I said, angry. “And slowly turn around.”

He lowered his head and stood up. Then, he slowly turned around to face my nine inch long barrel .454 caliber handgun pointing directly at his third eye. My anger was being held in my hand and he had no idea.

“I thought I told you that he was off-limits.” I shouted. “His contract was complete. He was mines now and you pursued anyway…”

My rage was on fire and my entire body was lit. He was dead but I still needed to see his face. I needed to know which one of my fellow agents was sent to take out my target.

“So, which one of you, dirtbags, did they send? Who took this ridiculous assignment? Who risk facing me, to kill him?” I demanded.

He remained still and silent.

“Take off your mask.” I screamed.  “Take it off!!!!”

His eyes widened as he was heavily breathing. He reached one hand behind his head and removed his mask. I stood frozen in time. My mouth just hung in the wind. My eyes met with a very familiar face.

“You?” I whispered. “It was you?”


Thank you for taking the time to read my newest book. It is definitely different from books I've written before but It will ultimately have you on the edge of your seat. So, hang onto your hats. You are in for  a bumpy ride. ;)


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The Target (Complete) - Watty Awards 2014Where stories live. Discover now