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We met a park when we were 8.

I was playing on the slides while you sat on a bench.

I couldn't help but notice how small you were.

So bony and pale.

My mother said that it wasn't nice to say that so I stayed silent.

I really wanted to talk to you but I was afraid those words would come out of my mouth.

I didn't like to make others sad, especially not you even though I didn't know you at the time.

I gathered up the little courage that I had and marched right up to you.

You looked stunned as I took a seat next to you, eventually asking why I was here.

"You looked alone so I'm going to talk to you and we'll be best friends forever." I chattered happily.

You only laughed and that made me smile wide.

I liked you.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Niall Horan. What's yours?"

You had a accent that was almost too thick to understand but I still liked it.

"Harry Styles."

Something was interesting about you and I knew that we would be friend's for a long time.


Okay this is the prologue to my new story, 18. It is based off of One Direction's song, 18 and yes it's going to be a child!Narry story. It will be coming out in 2015 or whenever I finish LaFS so I hope you enjoy it.

From my mind to the computer keys to your eyes to read, I'm Jessica xx

Vote fan and comment please!

18 » Narry AUWhere stories live. Discover now