E I G H T // Change Your Ticket

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"We need to talk." I said as I tightened my grip on Niall's wrist.

"No we don't. What's there to talk about?" Niall rips his arm from my grasp but surprisingly stays in place.

"You're leaving me."

"Oh grow up Harry, I don't have to be with you twenty-four seven." His tone changed, his complete demeanor changed as he shut me out.

"But you just can't leave for no good reason?"

"I do have a good reason for leaving."

"Then tell me. I am not your enemy here Niall. I don't know what you've got in your head that makes me so vile but I'm just trying to help you."

"Then why is it that the moment that I do let you in, all of my problems are brushed aside?" Niall has marched right up to me, chest to chest, face to face. He looked scared if I was being honest, completely out of his element by trying to remain calm. I could read Niall like an open book, and have been since we were younger. It boggled my mind that he was being this guarded.

"Niall you know that's not true."

"It really feels like it Harry. I know you think that I'm fine all the time, that I'm happy go lucky and wouldn't have a care in the world but that's where you are completely wrong."

"Niall," I start but he cuts me off.

"No it's your turn to listen. I am sick and tired of being labeled the carefree one when it's obvious that I'm not."

"It's not that we label you Niall, you just always seem so happy."

"To not worry you guys!"

"I don't know why you're acting like this, just come on home and we'll pretend that this never happened." If that's what Niall wanted then I guess it would have to do too.

"So you really want me to just pretend that nothing ever happened. To go back to the way everything was before your birthday?"

"Well yes, isn't that what you want?"

Niall sighed heavily, breathing out a laugh all the same.

"This just shows me how little you actually know about me and I am disgusted. Really, this is just plain stupid."

"What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean, Harry."

"No. I don't. Can you please just tell me so that I can make it right?" I grabbed his shoulder, causing him to look up at me. "You don't have to leave."

"I do if I want to clear my thoughts."

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