F O U R T E E N // Act My Age

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I love sleep, I don't think I've mentioned that before but I do. So much that I hate it when someone wakes me up from my slumber that isn't myself or my mother. So today was no different as I felt the bed shift in weight. I mentally groan as I waited for the water or ice to come falling on top of me, Louis's idea of waking someone up.

I don't get that, instead all I feel is someone touching my arm gently, nudging me awake. I lazily open one eye, seeing absolutely nothing but blurry blobs and result to yawning. I hear someone giggling and there was only one person that I knew of that liked to giggle, especially this early in the morning.

I opened my eyes again to see Niall smiling down on me, the sunlight coming from the open window behind him made him look like an angel. He reaches down and gingerly touches my cheek while saying, "Morning sleepyhead." I feel myself smile and lean into his touch more.

"Morning," I say with the morning breath that I know that I have. He continues to smile and leans down to kiss the corner of my mouth. It doesn't mean anything different except for the fact that I thought he was gone.

"Wait that wasn't a dream?" I murmur. Niall shakes his head as he plops down next to me, still touching my cheek softly.

"No not at all."

"Good, that means I can do this." With renewed energy, I flip on my side and straddle Niall's hips. All he does is smirk and drag me down for a long kiss.

"Get up curly, I got a surprise for you downstairs.'' Niall pushes me off of him, kissing me once more before leaving the room. I lie on the bed for a few minutes, thinking about what just happened and how heavenly it was last night.

This time around, I wouldn't be forgetting a thing, committing everything that went down to memory. I smile to myself and get up from the bed, throwing on a pair of pants and a shirt before heading downstairs.

Once I do, I am welcomed by the smell of breakfast cooking and Zayn turns around, smiling at me. Niall is looking sheepish off to the side, I guess he wanted to impress me by showing me he could cook even when we both knew he almost burnt down our houses growing up.

"I tried but if it wasn't for Zayn, we would have had a repeat of our childhood," Niall says, seemingly reading my mind once again. I cross the room and kiss him softly anyways, it was the thought that counted.

"So no thanks for the chef, gee guys thanks a lot for your friendship." Zayn cut into our moment, and as I take a look at him, I know that he means no harm. He leaves us alone, closing the door softly but I was too engrossed with Niall to realize.

"Quiet at last." He sighs, bouncing out of my grip to get some bacon.

"Oh like last night wasn't quiet enough for you."

"On the contrary, I didn't know you could sound so" Niall leaned close to my ear, blowing on the lobe and causing me to shiver unconsciously, "sexual." While I'm a blushing mess, Niall takes this chance to kiss along my neck and place his hands on my hips lightly.

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