N I N E // Clouds

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As I watched the train leave the station, I looked at the windows to see if I could see Niall but I secretly knew how motion sick he got so it would be pointless for him to grab a window seat. I sighed and started walking back to Liam and Louis. Liam actually looked to be asleep on Louis's lap and I could already sense the speech I'm going to get from Louis.

He notices me right away and smiles, but stiffens when I'm alone.

"Where's lover boy?" I couldn't give an answer to Louis, already the tears were spilling and I was trying my best not to be seen. I only put my face in my hands and I heard Louis getting up and wrapping his arms around me.

"Oh Harry," I let out a sob as he rubs my back. We stand there, swaying back and forth and I cry myself out. It's almost near an hour later when Liam has woken up from his nap, and finds us on the bench next to him, my head on Louis's shoulder. Liam and Louis drive me home, making me promise to call them if I needed anything.

I close the door to the empty flat, and wince about the door squeaking but other than that, the silence of the place was almost enough to drive me mentally insane and in need of an Asylum within the day. I walk over to Niall's old room and my heart stops in my throat of how bare it is.

His bed was made messily but that was about the only thing that could have been left behind. The closet was completely clear and the drawers and nightstands were ridden of every little Knick knacks he accumulated over the years.

The only thing that remained was a cracked picture of our fourteenth birthday, both of us were smiling stupidly, Niall still having those crooked teeth that I missed dearly. I picked it up from the ground and rubbed my finger against it gently in case there was loose glass.

A tear fell, along with another as the memories flooded back into my mind about our childhood and all the happy years. How could I have been so stupid not to realize that Niall was unhappy?

He was my best friend for god sakes and I couldn't even sit down once in a while and listen to his problems. I could see what he meant when he felt unwelcomed too, the town was always hostile against newcomers but I had honestly thought his family had gotten over that.

I flop down on the bed and cough on the flying dust, wondering how Niall slept here for however many nights after my birthday.

And that was another thing, was this a whole plan to cover up that he and I did what we did that night? I mean if it was anyone else, I would be disgusted and would be absolutely fine with the one night stand. But it was Niall, whom I had a major crush on.

I punched the pillow in anger. I had almost forgotten about that, maybe he had found out and was so disgusted that he feel the need to flee?

But that didn't sound like him but then again neither did sad and lonely fit him as well.

I looked up at the ceiling, wondering where he was now. He couldn't have traveled far right? Probably only over to Ireland to clear his head and would be back by next week? I could only hope and dream that this was the case as I picked up my phone and dialed his number.

I waited for the dial tone to stop and when I heard his voice, I nearly cheered. But it was only his voicemail saying the stupid saying he always did.

"Hey you reached my voicemail, sorry I couldn't be bothered to pick up. I'm either away from the phone or really could not be bothered to pick it up so no hard feelings. If this is Haz trying to get ahold of me, talk to Zayn and he'll try to make it better. If not, goodbye."

That last part was different than what he normally says, it was normally loud and noisy, as he originally recorded it during a movie when the two of them were younger and Niall's mom was upset that he never picked up his phone.

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