S E V E N // Ready To Run

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It was around the early hours of the morning when Harry woke up from a horrible nightmare. He shot straight up in bed, covered with sweat as he breathed heavily. Harry struggled to get his eyes open only to find himself in a dark room where he couldn't see a thing. Harry looked as if he was trying to get a sense of reality and fantasy, looking around his room to try and get a sense where he was.

Images of a blond, no doubt Niall, leaving and not saying a word. He rubbed at his eyes, groaning and lowered his body back onto the mattress. You could almost hear his heart pounding, hard against his chest, probably skipping a beat when he woke in such a start. The moon's light streamed through the window, giving the room an ominous feel to it.

Harry placed his hands on his head, the room spinning and the sheets were clinging uncomfortably to his back. How would someone even be able to sleep after this? Harry's mind was a complete mess, thoughts were all jumbled up, but still having a feeling that the nightmare might actually be reality.

Harry's head snaps suddenly to the side upon hearing ruffling, which spooked him enough to almost tumble out of bed. A little patter of footsteps and the trash bin crashing made him realize it was only the late night critters making a mess outside. It soothed his rigid body just enough to breathe out a long heavy breath. He lay there for however long later until he felt his eyelids drooping, completely unaware that he was sleeping in an empty house.

A black shadow walked past his doorframe, if he has stayed awake a moment longer, he could have stopped what was happening. A hand reached up and pulled down a hoodie, revealing a streak of light, blonde hair flashing in the moonlight. Niall ruffles his hair, looking into Harry's room and confirming that his friend was asleep.

His heart clenched at the memory of their talk, Niall knew it was coming when Harry said that he didn't remember a thing but it didn't stop his heart from shattering. Niall is forced to look away from the room where all of his dreams fell down into a pit of despair and put on his shoes. He hoisted his travel bag over his shoulder and opened the front door.

He completely forgot about the house alarm and it sounded momentarily while Niall rushed through the halls to turn it off. He glanced in Harry's room to make sure he was asleep, he nearly fell over trying to look passed out when he heard Harry having a nightmare. In normal conditions, Harry would snuggle into Niall until he felt safe enough to fall back asleep.

And now Niall was leaving. He didn't know for how long or where to go but he needed to get out. He tried to open the door again, wincing at the slight squeak the door hinges has but slips out just the same. A car flashes his lights at him and he sighs in relief when he can see the stupid little quiff belonging to Liam.

Niall gets into the car without a word, and Liam not asking any questions even though his mind was flooded with thoughts. The main one being, why was he helping Niall leave while Harry slept unknowingly in their house?


"Don't say a word Liam."

"How could I not? I feel like you've asked me to help you smuggle in drugs."

"You're not though."

"Fine. I'm smuggling you away from Harry. What did you idiots do now?"

Niall remained silent while Liam had the urge to stop the car and tell Niall to tell him or else he was going to miss his train. But he didn't. He should have done something but honestly when it came to Niall and Harry, you learned to stay out of the way.

Liam's phone began to ring as Niall winced, but he still answered it when it only showed Lou bear on the screen.

"Liam where are you babe?" Lou's sleep filled voice flowed through the speakerphone.

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