F O U R // No Control

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Niall whimpers at my feet, so Zayn and I lug him to the nearest couch and lay him there.

"Why the heck did you get into another fight with him Niall?" I cradle his head with a pillow and he winces, moaning in pain.

"Because he always acts like he owns the place and it annoys me." He whispers.

"But that doesn't mean you should go off on him like you do."

"And what? Let him boss everyone around? He's been doing it since before you guys became friends, remember that?" Although he was in pain, Niall was still full of fire.

"Lou has changed, everyone can see that but you."

"Don't you dare take his side Harold." Niall hissed.

"I'm not taking his side or yours. I just wish you guys got along better? Have you guys ever thought how stressful it is for me that I constantly have to deny one of you my attention because you guys can't get over one thing that happened years ago?" Niall refused to meet my eyes, I sighed.

"Rest up, you're already getting a bruise." I mutter and head up to my room.

A couple of hours later when it's well into the afternoon, I heard a knock on the door. I got up from my spot on my bed to open the door to find both Niall and Louis standing there. Niall's bruise wasn't horrible, he didn't have a black eye but there was a purplish spot on his cheek bone.

Louis didn't look like he wanted to kill Niall, he looked guiltier than I have ever seen him before. I stand there, arms crossed waiting for whatever they had to say to be said.

"We're sorry Harry." Niall said something first, head hung low and fiddling with his fingers. I look over at Louis and he mumbled the same thing."We really didn't know we caused you so much trouble with our bickering so we're sorry."


"And what?" Louis was an idiot but I could see Niall wasn't going to apologize to him right now so I let it go.

"Nothing, when's the party starting?"

"In a couple of hours, don't be late mister." And Louis left after that. Niall just stayed in the hallway.

"Can I come in?"

"Yeah sure." He follows me into my room, taking a seat on my bed next to me.

"I really am sorry Harry, you know that right?"

"Of course I do but you have to learn when to back off."

"I know and I'm trying. Can we just not talk about it and cuddle?" I was about to say that it was his fault for bringing it up again but Niall lunges for me and nearly pushes me of the bed.

"Whoa hey my bed my rules." Niall laughs and nuzzles his face into my shoulder, where he stays until Louis comes knocking on my door again telling to get ready or he's dragging me out with what I have on. And considering I only have a pair of boxers and an Eagles shirt on, I didn't want to take my chances.

"Get off me twigger." Niall whines, more of the fact that I keep calling him Twig, Twiggy, Twigger.

"Stop calling me that."

"Not as long as you're in my life."

"I guess I'll have to run away then."

"You wouldn't do that, you love me too much." Niall made a noise, but I just push him off of me and start getting ready. Niall nicks a few pieces of clothing from my closet and gets ready as well.

"I'll take that Eagles shirt thank you very much. Didn't you give this to me for Christmas one year?" Niall asks, I barely pay attention as I head on out to the party that was in full swing. Niall rushes behind me but I seem to lose him in the crowds.

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