T H R E E // Fireproof

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I smiled at the memory of Niall’s party, and he claims he doesn’t remember anything but me putting him to bed.

“You big sap.” He loves to tease me, putting me in a headlock even though I am taller and ruffles my hair affectionately. The months go by, and not a lot of things come up. We go from Niall’s birthday to Louis’s and Christmas without much of a hitch; I enjoy the peace. New Years creeps upon us, and I go another year without being about to drink at the party the guys throw.

February comes all too quickly, Niall was just as excited as I was to finally be an adult.

“You can finally taste beer for the first time,” Niall winks and I try keep a straight face before the both of us burst in laughter.

“Oh good times mate, good times.” He leans on me for support as he catches his breath. Once he does, he shuffles a bit before speaking softly.

“Since you know, your birthday is coming up, I got you something.” I raise an eyebrow, and he rushes off to his room to get something. My birthday wasn't for a few days, but then again all of the guys were giving their gifts early to say that they got me the best present.

Niall returns, holding his hands behind his back.

“Now if you don’t like it, I can always return it.” He mumbles, taking out two pieces of paper and shoves them towards me. Niall tries to run but I grab onto his wrist and pull him into my lap so I can give him a proper hug.

It was passes to go Paintballing and I had said months earlier that I had always wanted to go for the experience, and maybe to aid to Niall if he ever got hurt. Add that to the list of things that Niall doesn’t need to know.

“Thank you.” Niall just blushes and whines to let him go. I comply, getting a swift hit to his bum before he leaves the room. His little squeal was the highlight of my week.

“So when can we go Paintballing Nialler?” I ask him the next day. He was shoveling cereal into his never ending mouth and proceeds to choke on it. He rests his head on the table before gasping out an answer, “Anytime you want Harry.”

“How about now?”

“Sure,” his voice was still scratchy, but he sounded fine. “Just let me finish eating and we can head out. Don’t you dare make us late though.”

“I would never.”

“Yeah right Haz.”

“Are the other guys coming?” I didn’t notice the way that Niall tenses, nor the way he sighs so heavily I think that he’s trying to catch his breath rather than trying to calm himself.

“Uh I could call them up real quick? I heard that Zayn’s girlfriend is in town.”

“Are we completely sure that he actually has a girlfriend though?”

“Bro just because you were sick when she came to town last time, doesn’t mean she doesn’t exist.”

“I’ve never seen pictures, you have to admit that.”

“Because Zayn likes to keep to himself, you should know this since you befriended him first.”

“I’m just saying that he could have gotten one of his cousins to be his ‘girlfriend’ for all we know.”

“Just get ready before I leave your sorry butt here.”

“You love me!”

“Ehh I could do better.”


We arrive at the paintball place around an hour later. Louis, Liam and Zayn and his girlfriend were all already there, to the point where Louis and Liam were making out in the back of their truck.

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