T W E L V E // Where Do Broken Hearts Go

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I arrive by midnight at the lonely shack on the scarier than normal dirt road. I had hitched a ride on one of the late night buses to get here, I nearly had a heart attack from all of the walking that I had been doing.

I walk up to the shack, digging around my pockets for the blasted silver key and let myself in. The amount of dust that flies up is monstrous and I nearly choke by sucking in too quickly. I fan the area with the map that I used to get here.

I quickly put the bouquet of flowers that I might have bought on my way over here, setting next to one of the windows and the moonlight shining through the windows made everything have an evil tint to it.

Was I finally going insane, there was a great possibility?

Walking around the shack, which was just as big as our bathroom back home, I start to tidy the place up. From fixing old picture frames to ridding old pillows from their dusty jail, I do this until the air is breathable once more.

I take a seat on the grand chair and look around, breathing in the musty dirt smell and let out a loud sigh. I hear the wind chimes outside, their once beautiful chimes were now monotone and dull from weathering away in the rain.

Just as I'm about to stand, I hear a noise and this is when I fear for my sanity. There was crashing and yowling, that much I knew. I heard a small mew and pattering of footsteps. I don't dare startle the small bony cat that comes through the window a minute later. She was beaten up and looking starved.

"Oh you poor thing." I cooed and picked her up. She mewed softly, nuzzling into my warm shirt and purrs.

"Your name shall be Lily and you shall be my Lily. You shall be mine." Lily the cat only purrs some more, falling asleep in my arms. My stomach growls and I know I didn't bring any food with me other than some granola bars. I lay Lily down on the chair, cover her with my jacket and head outside.

From there, I jog to the nearest convenience store and buy some dinner for the rest of the night and tomorrow. It was only a ten minute trip but by the time I open the door to the shack, Lily is mewing frighteningly and comes to the door to rub against my legs.

"Soon baby soon." I say when she meows pitifully for food. I get to cooking and finally talk to my father as I feel him come near.

"Hey long time no see. I brought you your favorite dinner. How have you been?"


"Awe well that sucks. Mom got married, but I think I already told you that. You would love Robin honestly. Gemma says hey. Of course she doesn't hate you, I don't know what you're talking about."

More silence followed.

'Do you remember Niall? Yeah the pale Irish one. He left a couple of months ago. I miss him like crazy and I messed up big time dad. I don't want to seem hopeless but maybe he won't come back. "

"Louis has been better, yeah. He's not as much as arse, excuse my language."

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