T E N // Illusion

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Over the next month, the thing with Zayn becomes a regular thing. We easily gross into the month of April before Louis or even Liam for that fact tries to do something about it. But unlike Zayn, I never smiled for pleasure, it was simply for the fact that it washed away my worries and pain for a while, just for my mind to have a little break without constantly worrying about Niall.

Speaking of the devil, his mother came by yesterday and he had no idea that her son had backpacked across the world with nothing but his stupidity and belly. I believe it was the first time that I've ever seen Mrs. Horan cry. It broke my heart to see her like this and since we shared the same pain, I was the one comforting her.

"When I get my hands on that boy, oh you know he'll never leave by the time I'm done with him. What in his right mind gave him the grand idea for him to leave? I am his mother, he should have at least said goodbye."

"That's the funny part, he didn't even say bye to me." She stared at me, with her jaw hung low. I knew she wanted an explanation but how could you explain to the mother of your best friend that you were the reason behind them running away. And let's face it, that's exactly what Niall did.

"Oh Harry dear. You're practically family. I don't know why he would do this."

"Well did you know that he was unhappy?"

"Certainly. I'm his mother. A mother's instinct is always correct. I suspect something else was the final straw to his leaving." She continued to stare so I thought now was a time as ever to admit to not only to myself but to a relation of Niall what I felt.

"I-I," I gulped and swore to myself. I had to do this.

"I love Niall." Her eyes widened slightly but nodded to continue on.

"I love your son and all his little things and quirks and his smile. I love how normally carefree he is and how he can change the situation into a happy one always. I'm in love with your son and I'm the reason why he went off to America."

"AMERICA?" Mrs. Horan stood up abruptly and started to pace.

"I had a feeling of your feelings Harry, you two were always close and I suspected that at least one of you had deeper feelings. But my baby is off in America and you've done nothing about it?!"

"It's not like I knew he was going there, I found out after he left. Bloody Liam knew everything and just never straight out told us."

"Then why didn't you hop on a flight as soon as you found out?"

"With all due respect Mrs. Horan, I'm not the wealthiest guy on the block, let alone having money to go on a searching party to the states. I don't even know how Niall got the money to do this."

"He had an account with us, told us it was for a trip to America one day, for whoever he dated. He never brought any girls home so I lost hope and forgot about the account altogether."

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