T W O // Fool's Gold

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For Niall’s 18th birthday, his parents wanted him to go to Ireland and spend time with family. It would have been awesome except that Louis and Zayn were already halfway done planning his surprise party.

“Maybe when I’m 21 so we can party properly in America eh?” Niall laughed when he found out, his smile never faltering. Liam had the duty of calling everything off, Louis encouraging his boyfriend the best way that he knew how and Zayn was the unfortunate soul stuck with my complaining.

I had honestly wanted to take this party to possibly make a move on Niall. But seeing that he was now an adult and in Ireland for his special day, there was nothing that I could do.Until Niall came into my house one day asking if I wanted to accompany him to Ireland.

“I think it's high time that you meet my dad. He’s been asking about you ever since he found out you're the reason why I gave a kid a black eye.” I chuckled, remembering how furious his parents were when they found out that their innocent little Nialler inflicted harm on someone.

“It’s not my fault you’re protective.”

“It’s my fault that you’re a dork” Niall smirks, even as I hit him upside the head.

“So Ireland eh?” I took a seat on my couch while Niall stood, messing around with a loose thread on the headrest.

“Yeah, I miss it.”

“Rightfully so, when was the last time you went for a visit?”

“I believe it was the year that you and Louis became friends. I felt so lonely that I wanted to get away from here as soon as possible.”

“Come here you big baby.” I motioned him over for a hug, which he happily fell into. Even throughout the years, Niall always managed to stay smaller than me. But over the course of our friendship, he has filled up. He was no longer the stringy boy that I could pick up in an instant. He had some muscles on him and I greatly appreciated every time he invited me to the gym

“Stop staring at me.” He mumbles, burying his head into my shoulder. Its times like this when I honestly wonder if Niall liked me and we could become a cute little couple. But alas, he probably would never have those butterflies erupt in his stomach the way that they do for me.

So fast forward to two days, the two of us were on a plane to Ireland. He didn’t even have to ask his parents if I could come, they just assumed that Niall would bring me. Niall was sleeping on the ride, he stayed up all night trying to pack last minute while I snoozed on the bed beside it all.

I recall him lightly flopping on the bed ten minutes before the alarm went off, causing him to groan dejectedly. I decided to let him sleep on the car ride to the airport, almost dragging him along through the terminal before taking off an hour or so later.

He slept the whole hour and a half it took to fly, his head rested on my shoulder. We get in okay, and leave grateful for our lives. The airport was so packed with people trying to get in and out for whatever occasion they had.

“My brother Greg will be picking us up.” Niall mumbled tiredly, his body leaning entirely on mine. I place a small kiss on his head and watch for his brother’s car. Greg comes shortly, pulling up and I could hear the shrill crying of his son, Niall’s nephew, Theo.

“THEO!” Niall becomes lively again, rushing to the side of the car and giving his brother a hug. His wife Denise was sitting in the front seat, opening the door so that Niall could hug his nephew.

“Hey Harry, nice to see you mate.” Greg claps a hand on my shoulder, Denise smiling at me softly.

“Same to you.” The two of us got into the car and continued our journey to the Horan household.

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