S I X // Spaces

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Over the next few days, I realize that Niall has been acting differently around me. He hasn't been up for cuddles, seemingly ignoring me and just flat out in a nasty mood.

I think the final straw though was when I had invited Louis over for a quick catch up.

I had a sneaking suspicion that Niall knew what went down the night of my birthday. He had to know or why else would he be in such a bad mood?

"Harry wake up, someone is knocking on the door." Niall's voice comes out of nowhere, harsh and stern. I open my eyes lazily and am startled to find him staring down on me already.

"Why don't you just get it?"

"It's Louis. No way in hell am I opening the door for him."

"What happened to being civil?"

"Harry, you're a great guy, truly a great friend but it's not happening." I groan as I push up from my comfy bed and go answer the door. I pull on a pair of pants before opening the door and Louis comes in with a smile. I hear Niall scoff in the living room, and later the little patter of his footsteps into our shared room.

"Trouble in paradise?" Louis smirks as he toes off his shoes and heads over to the kitchen.

"You have no idea. He's been off since my birthday."

"Ahhh, maybe he was upset about you pulling someone."

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh you know, you obviously pulled someone on your birthday. After Grimmy left, I couldn't find you anywhere." Louis steals some of Niall's leftovers while I wait on the couch with a game on the ready.

"There's no way. I don't do one night stands. I woke up normally with Niall sleeping right next to me."

"That's another thing, how do you expect your crush to go any further if you cuddle with his stupid butt every night and not do anything about it?"

"I don't want to ruin the friendship. We've been best friends for ten years Louis. I just can't throw something like that away. And bro don't get crumbs on the couch, Niall will freak."

"Niall this. Niall that. Just grow a pair and ask him out."

"Need I remind you that the kid is straight."

"He's as straight as an as bendy straw Harold. Now let's get this game started so I can whip your ass."

"You're going to have to save your whip for something else Tomlinson, I've been practicing."

"Well Liam did say he wanted to try something new this week."

"GROSS BRO I DIDN'T NEED TO KNOW THAT!" Louis laughs as he starts the game. We play until Louis stands triumphantly, rubbing in my face that I was the loser. Earlier, Niall came into the room to slap Louis upside the head for stealing his food and he kept me company while Louis wiped the floor with me.

He was now waiting for the pizza that he ordered to come. So far, Niall has been more civil to Louis then he has to me, which is saying a lot because Niall does still hate his guts.

"You're too forgiving Harry." He has always told me and I guess I am. But I know Louis's story and what he's gone through so no hard feelings.

A door slams and Niall comes with pizza in tow.

"Yes food, I'm starving." Louis agrees with my statement but Niall takes the box up to his bedroom at once.

"See! I told you he's off!"

"You're right about that one, he would at least give you one piece and glare at me. He did none of those actions. Why don't you just talk to him?"

I open and close my mouth embarrassingly until Louis figures out that I haven't actually spoken to Niall about it except the morning after.

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