18:Kryptonite and Feelings

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I couldn't help myself trying to kiss Cam.
I'm not the type to date girls, hell I'm not the type to even know a girl's name. But with Cam, something's different. I want to do what she likes. I want to be where she is. I want to make her happy. I know those things, but what I don't know is why the hell it is happening. I mean I've met plenty of hot girls, plenty of nice girls. So why is Cam so different. So for the past couple weeks i'd been trying to puzzle it out, and I had come to the conclusion that I had never got to know another girl before. But dee down I knew it wast just that, something about Cam just made you be honest. So I decided since only good things had come from being open so far, why not keep it up?
And look where that got us!
I readjust myself in the emergency room chair for the nth time. God I mean its a hospital aren't they suppose to comfort people. Or maybe that's their plan. They give you the worst chairs so you get back aches, and
ka-ching more patients.
I had been sitting in the waiting room for over an hour and a half and at this point I couldn't feel anything below my waist. No doctor had been out to update me and I was seriously getting impatient. I mean at least let me know something!
I groan and again want to slap myself. I mean how stupid could I be? Why would I ever even think of kissing her. I mean I don't even like her....... That much. And I mean she probably likes Dallas or even Jake. For some reason the thought makes me mad.
Shaking my head I clear my thoughts but they are soon crowded with worry. There had been a lot of blood, and after she passed out I freaked out and made a mad dash to the hospital. We were met with open doors and she was immediately sent to the back, but I was told I had to wait out here. Which is exactly what I've been doing, and I'm getting fed up with it. I groan again and run a hand through my already disheveled hair.
The door opens some ten minutes later and a nurse walks out. I watch expectantly and instantly stand up when she starts to head my way.
"Are you Matt?" She asks.
"Yes ma'am." I say a little too rushed, but I just want to see Cam.
"Miss Cameron is asking for you. If you would follow me?" He turns and heads back to the doors she entered trough. I guess if Cam's talking she is okay. And since she is asking for me she must not be too mad and at least she remembered me. Which rules out any possibility of amnesia. But she could still have short term memory loss, or even long term and she just happens to remember me- I'm cut off from my inner rambling when we stop in front of a dark gray door. Pushing it open the nurse finally speaks, "Cameron, I brought Matt." With this she leaves me alone standing awkwardly just inside the door. I hesitate just out of her eyesight.
"Matt?" Her voice asks questioningly as we still can't see each other. I slowly walk around the corner until I see her propped against some pillows her head wrapped in white gauze, sweat-band style.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry." I get on my knees beside the bed and she gives me a funny look.
"Oh quite apologizing! I was the one who fell over a freaking coffee table!" She starts to blush an I know she is thinking on why she fell. Gulping I ask if it hurts to which she replies,
"I feel like Superman after someone slipped some Kryptonite into his morning coffee." I can't help but laugh. She cracks a smile but right when she starts to laugh she grips her head and sucks in a breath.
"Ow that hurts." She says and slowly leans back. "God I'm such a klutz." She mutters. We are both pretending like nothing happened between us and I'm not going to change that.
"Ya, you are." I say knowingly. She sends me a glare. "So when can you go home?"
She pushes herself up straighter.
"Since no one could get ahold of my mom they said I could leave whenever. So lets go." She pulls the cover to the side and. Can't help but stare at her bare legs that are uncovered since the hospital gown rode up. Blushing I turn my head and mumble something about being in the hall. Hearing her laugh I close the door behind me and rest my back against the wall. Ive never been this way before, wanting to kiss a girl, and blushing because of her.
God, what has that girl done to me.

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