Chapter 4: Real Family is the Family you Make

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Sunday, February 21, 1999
Wayne Manor 23:24 (11:24pm)

*Raven POV*

After giving Alfred a summarized version of what happened between the last time we talked, a week before my birthday approached, to what's happening now; he brought me some books on botany, geology, and zoology, along with notes he's written over the years while taking care of Wayne Manor.

"It sounds like you and Master Grayson have become quite close, just as I'd hoped you would when I sent you to live with him," My father said. "I'm glad you've found yourself a sibling, even if he is technically my grandson" he said, laughing at the oddity of the situation.

"Me too, Father. He's been a great older brother. Especially when Kid Flash visits." I said rolling my eyes. "As Gray once told him, 'They don't call you Speedy for nothing.'"

Father laughed jovially at this. "Can he not tell that your interest lies with the fairer sex?" Alfred asked, making a blush adorn my cheek.

"Father, please. I have no interest in any of those things." I denied, even though we both know it's just for show.

"That's not how you were acting when Barbara came to visit last time you were here. You looked at her as if-"

"Father!!" I cut him off, as my cheeks flamed. "Okay so maybe I do prefer women; but I still have no plans to court one, as I have no one to court," I explain to him.

"Hmmm. I guess you haven't had much opportunity to find romance, as of late, have you? Always busy fighting crime, meditating, and helping your team. The only woman you're really close to is Princess Koriand'r."

"Indeed. And I have no romantic interest for Kory in the least. Besides her and Dick seem to have taken great interest in each other; even though he pretends they don't." I gossip with Alfred, but then become somber. "I don't think I'll ever be able to pursue romance, Father. It just doesn't seem like I'll ever find someone to be interested in. And that crush I used to have on Barb was simply that, a silly little crush of an adolescent girl."

"All in due time, little bird. All in due time," he told me reassuringly, being able to understand my slight melancholy over the subject. "There's someone out there for you. You'll just have to wait until your fated meeting. She'll be just perfect for you, you'll see."

"Thank you, Father," I said gratefully, leaning into his side, as we were both sitting on the couch in the living room with the fire place that continued to die down.

We just relaxed in the silence after that. A rather comfortable silence, one in which all the things that needed to be said already have and offers a quiet reassurance. I had indeed told him everything: from my newly inherited title of Demon Lord, to the power and possessions that come with it, to the Demi-Demon servants that will work under me for the rest of their lives or as long as they so choose. Father didn't even question my ability to take care of these beings; and when I asked him why he didn't, he explained the he already knew I'd be a fair and kind owner, boosting my low confidence in explaining the situation to my teammates and making me feel reassured that he is my true dad even though we're not blood related. He also encouraged me to tell them everything that I didn't before, which I agreed to do when I returned to the tower, my first earth home.

I spent the silence staring into the simmering fire, (which was lit nearly four and a half hours ago), thinking about all that has happened, and, more importantly, what I'm going to do next. Tomorrow I'll go into town and purchase more civilian clothes; as I only have the one pair I was given from Father, they used to be Barbara's and are too big. I'll also have to grab my suitcase that is still in a pocket dimension from when I packed at the tower earlier; it has all my spell books, candles, crystals, spares super suits, etc. that I'll need. It also has my toiletries and other necessities.

However, after only a few moments of silence, my thought were interrupted by three loud figures, that came barreling in through the front door.

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