Chapter 13: Lasiurus Borealis

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Thursday, February 25, 1999
Wayne Manor 21:00

*Raven POV*

"How long have you actually known this girl?" Barbara asks.

"A few years." I don't want to lie anymore. She's already figured it out anyways.

"Why'd you lie to us, Ray? We're your family, you can tell us anything," she says, sounding despondent.

"She's- she used to work for a mercenary school called "The Hive". The first time we met, she was a mercenary for Slade. Then, for Brother Blood along with the rest of the hive when he tricked their headmistress and then brain washed them," I explained. "When they were liberated, they all turned on Blood and then returned to the hive, continuing the original headmistress' teachings, but those who graduated moved out. She and her team graduated, and she continued working with her team for a while.."

"..and then?" Barbara asked gently, not wanting me to close up again.

I took a deep breath and continued. "And then, she started dating Wally West aka. Kid Flash. She stopped hanging out with villains other than her teammates and eventually helped us capture and arrest a large group of them, turning even her own teammates and ex-headmistress in when the time came."

"But then one day, they just broke up. No one knows what happened, except them. Wally won't talk about it and she, Jinx, was gone before anyone could ask her... Before anyone could comfort her or just be there for her," I continued on.

"So when did you start liking her and when did you realize you liked her?" Barbara asked.

"I think I started to like her right away... the first time we fought, she was... captivating," I spoke, not noticing the tone of awe that entered my voice. Though Barbara did.

"She fights as though she's part of an elegant, thoroughly choreographed dance. She moves with a grace that panthers envy and speaks with a wit that owls could never dream of." I pause to giggle a bit. "She's like a pink fox." I laugh a little harder at the mental image.

After I finish my short laugh I continue on, realizing I'm babbling a bit, but I know Barbara doesn't mind, or rather, encourages it.

"When our magic touched for the first time... well, literal sparks flew. But there was also this weird feeling I felt. It was almost like..."

"Like?" Barbara asked.

'Oh goddess, this is going to sound so cliché.' "It felt like... l-like coming home. Like when I come visit after being at the tower for too long or when I get back to the tower after visiting."

I look at Barbara as I feel and see the clear shock written across her face.

"I know it sounds crazy, but... at first, I thought it was just my magic meeting another's after so long, but it feels different from others'. Other's aren't familiar right away and often are more of a repulsive feeling than a welcoming one."

"Why have you ignored it for so long?" Barbara asked.

"You saw how much my magic went haywire over a little crush. My powers have always been attached purely to my emotions until recently. What was I supposed to do about it anyways? She was my enemy. ...But I have control now and she's not doing anything morally wrong. I won't back down this time. And I certainly won't let another Wally sweep in," I say with the utmost conviction.

"Well I'm glad you told me. We're family, Ray. You don't ever have to worry about us judging you. Especially if it's for loving someone. You have such a big heart, Birdy, don't let anyone tell you not to follow it," Barbara says, pulling me in a comforting hug. There's a few tears in both of our eyes at this point.

"Thank you, Barb," I mumble into the hug before we both pull back.

"So, tell me more about her," Barbara practically demanded with a giggle.

And so the rest of the night was spent with me recalling memories of my pink fox. At some point we both were to tired to do anything else and after agreeing to a sleepover, we passed out in my bed.

Waking up the next morning I notice Barbara's aura rather close and come to the conclusion that she's cuddling me. Looking around I see that she's the small spoon and have to stop myself from chuckling. Looking over my shoulder I see that it's 0700 and decide that we should probably get up.

I sit up and Barbara subconsciously scoots back into my side. I start running one of my hands through her hair to try and wake her up gently.

It works as she starts to mumble quietly for a bit, something about food and the time. I wait for her to wake up a bit more before talking.

Finally mostly awake, though she still hasn't opened her eyes, Barbara asks, "What time is it?"

"Seven-oh-five," I answer back a little quietly. We both hate rude awakenings.

"What time's your date at?"

"We agreed to meet at oh-nine-thirty."

"Okay. Let's get dressed, then I'll help you with a little bit of makeup."

"Okay. Thanks, East."

"Hah. That's one nobody's used in a while."

"Well I came up with it, so that makes sense."

Then we go our different ways to get ready for our days. I take a quick shower and put on the clothes Barbara and I laid out the night before.

There comes a knock before Barbara walks in, as I'm buttoning up my cardigan.

"Alright. I brought some eyeshadow and lip gloss. Not much, since you don't like makeup. We'll leave your hair as it is too."

We walk into my bathroom and I sit on the counter and close my eyes, so Barbara can start putting on my eyeshadow.

"Which vehicle are you going to take?"

"The purple Yama," I answer back, knowing she'll immediately know which one I'm talking about.

"Can you re-enchant the helmets soon? My hair's starting to get a little frizzy in them," she says referring to the enchantment I put on a few years ago.

"Ya. I can do it after I get back."

"Don't rush your date. Take as long as you want. We'll only call you if it's an emergency."

"Thanks," I say as she finishes the eyeshadow, before putting the lipgloss on for me too.

It's funny to think that this woman is actually my niece, in a way.

"Annnd done," Barbara says as she closes the lipgloss and steps back so I can hop off the counter to see what I look like in the mirror behind me.

The makeup makes my eyes and lips a little more noticeable, but it all looks rather natural. I like it.

"Thanks Barbara, it looks great."

"No problem, Birdy. I'm happy to help," she says, before we head back into my room. I stop at my closet to grab a black leather jacket to wear while driving the motorcycle. Then we head down to the kitchen for coffee/tea and so Barbara can get breakfast. As usual, Father is already in the kitchen with breakfast and beverages ready for us.

"Good morning, ladies."

"Morning," we both reply.

"Here's your tea, little bird. You look lovely. Eat something with protein while you wait to leave, to get your metabolism started for the day," he said to me before turning to Barbara. "Your breakfast is on the counter. And you did well with Raven's makeup, thank you."

"It was nothing, gr- Alfred. Like I told Ray, I'm happy to help," Barbara replies. Looking at Father I can tell he heard her slip up too. I can feel the joy and understanding radiating off of him. He's glad to be a grandfather, even though none of Bruce's kids call him grandpa.

"So I know I've dropped a lot of surprises on you recently, but how would you feel about one more?" I ask making them both look at me.

"I think I'm going to officially adopt my three meta human kids. Melvin, Timmy, and Teether."

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