Chapter 5: The Raven's Bat family

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Monday, February 22, 1999
Wayne Manor 00:05 (12:05 am)

*Raven POV*

Three people barged in the front door of Wayne Manor, causing me to lose me train of thought and focus on the newcomers. They are dressed in their fancy civilian clothes, obviously having been under cover before they came here.

"Birdy!! Is that you?!" The only girl of the new trio shouted excitedly before snatching me up in a bone crushing hug. "Ohhh, I've missed you sooo muuuch!!" Bat girl squealed.

"H-hi Barb," I managed to gasp out before she set me back down, allowing me to breathe again. "I missed you too." Having caught my breathe, I turned to the other two bats. "Hello Bruce. It's good to see you again."

"I've missed you too, little bird," he did well hiding his surprise and excitement, his face a blank mask as always. However he couldn't hide his emotions from an empath as powerful as me, so I walked over and gave him a hug as well, much gentler than the one Barbara gave me.

After the hug was over I turned to greet the last of the trio, who's face was full of shock, having witnessed the ever serious Batman use a pet name and give a gentle hug. "Hello Jason. It's nice to see you again. You've grown since I last saw you." I told the boy.

It's a little weird having there be a second Robin, especially since the two also act very much alike and have similar backgrounds. I know Bruce misses Gray, but doesn't want to push boundaries and wants to allow him the room to grow on his own. 'Men are ridiculous when it comes to pride, I swear,' I think to myself, mentally rolling my eyes.

"Hello, Aunt Raven," he replies, slowly coming out of his shocked state. "And yes, I have, indeed, grown since you last bothered to visit your family."

Our interactions have always been rather stiff due to the fact that I'm not only best friends with his predecessor, but also technically his aunt. Because Alfred was Bruce's legal guardian and then my own, by law Bruce and I are step-siblings; even with the age gap between us. He also dislikes that I'd rather be in Jump City with the Titans, than here in Gotham City with the Bat family. Myself and everyone else included, have tried to explain that it's not about one over the other, but where I'm needed and where I need to be, and that's not in Gotham. However he doesn't quite understand and doesn't really want to.

"Now, now, Jay-Jay. You know you're aunty Ray loves us all, but needs to be in Jump with the rest of her family. It's rude and hurtful to try and make her choose one or the other, when we're all her family," Barbara says trying to placate him, as a mother would to her child. However it seems to only make matters worse.

"I'm not a little kid, Barbara!" Jason exclaimed, anger radiating from him. "Stop treating me like one! I'm not that much younger than Raven, who's only a few years younger than you! I deserve to be treated like an adult too!" He yelled and stomped his foot in a childish manner, contradicting the words he just spoke.

Bruce and Barbara looked at Raven worrying for her emotional state, being so close to such powerful emotion. Both noted with surprise and pride that she was wholly unaffected by Jason's tantrum. Turning back to face the young adolescent boy, Bruce started to reprimand him verbally.

"Then you need to start acting like one. Instead of calmly talking to Raven and hearing out her side of the story, you're throwing a fit like a child who's parent didn't get them the toy they wanted. We all miss Raven when she's not here, but us adults have taken the time to realize that Raven needs to do what's best for her. And she may not be that much older than you, but legally she is still my sister, and your aunt; you need to respect that. She's family, so how about you do your best to enjoy what time you do get to spend with her, instead of causing arguments?" Bruce said disappointedly, with a shake of his head.

I was little sad to feel the slight hurt he felt when he spoke of them all missing me. I miss them too when I'm gone. And while I don't want to hurt any of my family, I also understand that it's inevitable and that they forgive me for needing to leave.

Jason seemed to take a moment, to contemplate Bruce's words. Something about being talked down to by, the terrifying, and seemingly emotionless, Batman can really get a person thinking. After his moment, Jason seems to deflate and looks guilty and properly chastised. "Dad's right. I'm sorry aunt Raven, I've been taking everything out on you, and that's not fair. Tomorrow, or rather later today, could we sit down and talk; like adults? You can tells us what's happened since your last visit and what you plan to do during this one."

"I forgive you; thank you for such a mature apology. I'd love to tell everyone about what's happened as there is a lot to tell." I replied grateful for his turnabout. "And also, I'm actually here to stay for a while," I notified the trio. For a second they all looked at me as though I'd grown a second head, but then Barbara squealed and jumped up, yanking me into another painful hug. "Barb. Can't. Breathe," I wheezed out as the air was forced from my lungs and tapped out on her shoulder. This made made Alfred and Jason chuckle and Bruce even cracked a genuine smile.

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