Chapter 14: The Date, Part 1

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Friday, February 26, 1999
Wayne Manor 08:00

*Raven POV*

"So I know I've dropped a lot of surprises on you recently, but how would you feel about one more?" I ask making them both look at me.

"I think I'm going to officially adopt my three meta humans. Melvin, Timmy, and Teether."

If I officially adopted my hatchlings Father would have grandkids that would call him grandpa. They have been calling me mom every so often for the past year and have only called me mom the last three months. I need to visit them again soon, and next time I see them, I'll bring adoption papers.

Barbara spits out her mouthful of coffee and Father's titanium mask crumbles to a look of utter surprise. It'd be funny if the situation wasn't so serious. I rub circles on Barbara's back as she calms down her coughing.

Suddenly I'm overwhelmed with elation. So much so, that my eyes are watering. Looking at both of them, they both adorn large smiles and Father is full-on crying. I've never seen him cry before. Not even when he was signing my adoption papers, there was a few tears in his eyes, but no sobbing tears.

They both jump up and pull me into a bear hug, trapping my arms between them.

"It's a lot of responsibility. Are you sure you're ready? With everything going on," Father asked, trailing of at the end.

"I don't think anyone can ever be truly ready for parenthood," I say, and we all laugh at they. "But I love them, with all my heart. I'd do anything for them to just be happy and healthy. They all already call me mom anyways. I- I think it's time I bring them home."

"You'll bring them to live here? I'll get to live with my little cousins?" Barbara asked, full of excitement.

"Well. They'll come to the tower with my when I go back and forth. But I'm going to start being here more often now, so ya. And I know, if anything ever happened to me, they'd still have you guys as family. Plus-" I pause and look at Father. "I know they've been waiting to finally meet their grandpa."

"Oh. My precious, little bird," Alfred says as he starts to cry again and hugs me a little tighter. "I can't wait to meet more of my grand-babies either."

A rough cough interrupts the moment. We all look to see Bruce and Jason standing in the doorway. "So," Bruce says, looking at me. "I'm going to be an uncle?" He asks as a smile breaks out across his face. Jason is bouncing with excitement, but hasn't said anything yet.

"Ya, Bruce. You're going to be an uncle and Jason is going to have little cousins," I say.

Jason springs forwards to join the hug and once I get an arm free, Bruce joins the hug as well. There's tears of joy all around.

And then Bruce breaks the moment again. Stepping out of the hug he clears his throat again and questions, "Don't you have a date soon?"

We all step out of the hug chuckling both at the situation and Bruce's inability to be physically affectionate for long periods of time.

"Ya. I should get going. Oh and... my date is with Jinx." Seeing Father and Bruce both light with recognition. "Barb can explain everything, I'm going to run late. Love you all, bye." I say quickly and teleport to the garage before anyone can stop me.

I quickly hop on my bike and speed away, using my soulself to get on the other side of the fence, in case either of them locked it, and head into town. To Jinx.

The drive into town is relaxing. I take the time to scan my surroundings and stretch out my powers before I reach the more populated areas of the city. Feeling the random wildlife and plants that are scattered around, before I have to reel in my powers.

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