Chapter 10: Violets

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Thursday, February 25, 1999
Riftweald Manor 08:30

*Jinx POV*

I've been up for and hour now getting ready to sell off the stolen jewels to one of our main business partners: 'The Riften Theives Guild'.

They're a well known and large spread group of theives who deal in all sorts of trades. They're mostly famous for two reasons: one, they never take assassinations and two, they're practically the real-life versions of "Robinhood and his Merry Men". Ever since some no-one from nowhere took over after rescuing them from Mercer Fray, they've become richer than they know what to do with and the new leader uses 50% of all profits to donate anonymously to important causes like: foster homes and orphanages, Glesn and other pro lgbt+ organizations, and rescue operations that take care of immigrants, starving/homeless people, and people who need resources in their own countries.

It's pretty amazing, what they've been able to accomplish. Police actually have been accused of letting 'known' Riften members off without attempting to arrest them. Not that they can really be blamed.

We actually own Mercer Fray's old house. It's a huge three story house, one of which is a basement. We reinforced the tunnel between our house and one of Riften's hideouts for easier dealings as most of our contracts are from them.

It was practically fate that we met. My brothers and I had just arrived at Gotham, with clean slates and were looking for work. We were staying in some random hotel room when Bar came back dragging some guy who had tried to pickpocket him.

Long story short we returned the guy to his guild and spoke with the leader. After helping each other out we became business partners and the rest is history.

Realizing that I was lost reminiscing, I check my phone for the time and see that it's already 0900 and I decide to text Raven. Scrolling through my contacts I pull up "Violet". Yes I told Raven she's "Blueberry bush", but she's not. I just wanted to mess with her.

After a rather short, but enjoyable conversation I see that it's 0925 and head downstairs to join everyone in the basement.

Mike put all of that tech stuff we stole from the 'jewelry shop' last night to his own use. We expanded the basement as we have plenty of land to do so. Mike has an entire room to himself for all his computer stuff. It's always come in handy to let him have as much room to tinker and code as possible. The other two rooms are shared. The largest basement room is our training room and the smallest one is actually an entire vault. It's filled with spare gadgets and uniforms for our missions as well as stolen effects from mission. There's an entire wall of keepsakes from our best missions that I kept for sentimental reasons.

The newest being a matching pair of rings I somehow almost missed, but saw when Raven fell. It's a set beautiful black engagement rings with one pink stone and one purple stone each. The irony was not lost on me, but I pretended to not notice anyways.

I met the boys at the hidden entrance to the tunnels and we made our way through, with snarky comments from Mike of course about girls taking forever.

They were both a little worried about me when I was 15 minutes late to meet them last night, but I told them I was fine and had to take a longer route than normal to make sure I wasn't followed by those FBI and police people who showed up earlier than anticipated.

Realizing how close we came to being compromised for the first since coming to Gotham, we spent the rest of the night in the living room eating pizza and ice cream and watching our favorite movies then, all of us slept there to keep an eye on each other. We didn't talk about it in the morning, but it was a reminder that we are family and do care for one another.

When we made it to the hideout we ended up staying and exchanging pleasantries with the members there, as we've all become something of friends.

But even while talking to my friends and family, my mind kept returning to violet hair and Navy blue eyes.

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