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i'm never reading that last chapter again --_--

i'm probably gonna have to re write it tho, sooooo

"Did you check the news?" Dan screeched from the other line of the call. "Zombies are actually a thing now?"

"Yes," Stephen deadpanned. "Come over, we need to get a trailer. Bring Jay too, I know he's with you."

"Get a trailer -?" Dan questioned. "What do you mean by that?"

Stephen sighed into the phone. "Just come. Bring money."

"Wha -"

End call button.


"That was... very unnecessary," I say for the thousandth time as the television rambled on in the background about the now 26 cases.

Stephen got up from the couch, walking into the hallway of his house. "Can you help me with the canned food?" He hollered. "We need to bring the grocery bags to the basement."

I bead my eyes, staring at the hallway wall. "I still don't get why you're being so... dramatic?... about the whole thing," I purse my lips. "You know that there's no reason for all this, right?"

"Yes there is, Hosuh," he shouted from the hallway. "Now help me with this stuff."

"You, need help?" I question.


"You? Stephen?"

"Yes, Hosuh, I can't lift all these by myself," he sighed.

"Are you implying that you're not strong enough?" I ask in a mocking tone. Stephen never asks for help; he's too self-centered.

"Hey! Stephen can do anything, and I don't need you to hate on me," Stephen shouts back. "Haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate."

"So you don't need my help, then?" I smirk.

"You know what? If you're gonna be a jerk, then no, I don't need your help, Hosuh," the egoistical git scoffed. "And I bet your skinny arms can't even lift a carton of milk."

"Oh, you wanna go?" I puff up my chest, getting up from the couch. "I'll be able to carry more bags than you!"

"Oh yeah?" Stephen replied. I could hear the smirk in his voice. "I don't believe it."

"I'll show you," I uttered all self-confidence in those words as I stomped all the way to the hallway.

I was met with a crouched Stephen, who was trying to grab as many grocery bags in his arms as he physically could.

"Too bad, Hosuh," he glanced at me with a glint in his eyes as he gave me a smug smile. "Guess I got a head start."

I joined him too, breathing heavily, looping as many of the grocery bags as I could on my arms. I even looped two around my neck, which almost made me faceplant to the floor when I stood up.

"There," I mumbled, starting to wobble towards the basement door.

I almost make it to the door, until I was shoved by the one and only Stephen, causing me to bump into the side of the wall.

Now the idiot was ahead.

"No!" I shouted, leaping forwards and latching onto Stephen's ankle. He looked back in loathe, grunting as he tried kicking my arms away and walking forward.

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