Pinkish Bubbles

289 16 99

when every single chapter is basically a filler at this point


The fourth day came around.

When I woke up in the middle of the night, I couldn't go back to sleep, mainly because of two things:

1. I'd already slept for eight hours, hence being too awake to sleep any longer,

2. and the arm across me.

I mean, I guess it wasn't really stopping me from going to sleep. I just couldn't think of anything else beside it.

So I couldn't sleep.

Which led to not being able to sleep because of it.

Anyways, since I couldn't go to sleep, I worked on drawings for the rest of the night until morning.

There was a moment Stephen had shifted even closer to me in his sleep, and I swear my hand pressed against the railing was blue. It became harder to draw after that, but not completely impossible.

It was distracting. Stephen's arm stretched out across me. For some reason.

It shouldn't have even been distracting me in the first place, but for some reason it was.

The warm arm was heavy but not too heavy, just heavy enough to make me feel safe and snug as I sat there in silence.

It also had my heart racing and sent weird pangs of butterfly jitters in my gut. I couldn't tell why my gut felt like that, and I was starting to worry that the arm was indeed too heavy and was causing discomfort to my stomach or something.

My ears felt hotter the more I thought about it, so I willed myself to go back to focusing on drawing.

And it was like that for a while. Just silent breathing and the calming muffled tap of my stylus. I couldn't tell what time it was, but it was still quite dark outside.

Another time, Stephen's head pressed closer to the side of my waist. I had halted the movements of my pen, feeling even hotter.

But soon enough, I had willed myself to ignore that as well and went back to drawing with my face burning.

I went on with my pen. I noticed it was a lot colder today as I shivered, feeling goosebumps all over me.

And then, for the rest of the time, I was stuck in a trance of coloring and shading. I barely registered when Dan got out of bed, when the sound of a shower started in the bathroom, when the engine turned on.

But I did register Stephen moving again, snapping me out of it. The hand across me shifting into a little fist as it balled white cloth like last night. I looked down, glancing at Stephen as he nudged me into the rails of the bed even more.

If my arm was numb and blue before, it felt paralyzed now.

I heard the other boy's breathing get less deeper and more shallow. I had the feeling Stephen was finally waking up.

"...Stephen?" I asked in a hushed tone, trying to see if the grape was actually awake or not.


I nodded a little, averting my eyes to the tablet.

"Good morning."

A pause. The trailer bounced a little as we went over a pothole.

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