Notebook & Pen

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re-upload: don't mind this story being under construction smh 

i haven't really been keeping up with stephen or dan's channels that much so i think i'll just keep writing them as their old personas back from danplan :(

but theyre still way out of character tho (especially dan smlfmj)

It was around afternoon now, and the blue sky was clouded with cold fog and draping haze.

Our trailer was illegally parked in an alleyway, shadows of tall buildings looming over us. The ground was littered with trash and random patches of vomit and blood. I tried not to look out the window.

The alley shielded us from the surrounding roads, random tall buildings, and skyscrapers. The pavement was dark as it rained outside, large raindrops dotting the windows. 

Inside, all of us were sitting in a circle. Dan was holding onto a notebook and a pen, eyes calculating the papers and pen clicking before staring up.

"So, uhm," he looked awkward, not expecting us to actually listen so attentively. "There's obviously a lot to cover."

A few scattered, collective nods. I picked at the sleeve of my shirt as I listened.

Jay picked at a scab on his ankle, one of his eyes narrowed, urging Dan to just go on with his thoughts. "Like..?"

Dan clicked his pen. "Well, Winter's coming. And this trailer doesn't even have that good of a heating system."

The purple boy next to me shrugged. "I mean, we could always huddle like penguins do."

Dan paused, looking at Stephen.

"It was a joke," he added quickly, huffing and rolling his eyes.

"...I could tell."

"Stephen, quiet and listen to what Dan has to say," the small girl cuts him, staring down Stephen with minor annoyance. I hold my breath.

"...Right," the green boy clears his throat. "So, yeah, the heating thing. We live in Canada, so... it's a big problem. We need to brainstorm some good ideas..?"

It all sounded so unprofessional. 

We think in silence, rain pattering outside. Ann kisses the dog in her lap, only half-paying attention.

"Oh!" Stephen snaps his finger. "My brother has good heating. And his own house."

Dan looks a little done. "Okay..?

"We could drive over to him!" He keeps snapping his fingers excitedly. "Gavin'll definitely like you guys. He likes everyone."

Dan starts clicking his pen again. "Stephen."

"No I'm being serious, he's loaded. We could legit go over to him, he only lives in Columbia."

The girl glances at him for a second, shrugs with her eyes, then turns back to her pup.

"Stephen, we passed BC a couple hours ago," I lean in to my left to say. When he pauses to look at me, my stomach goes wild again and I avert my gaze.

"Well... we could still turn back. It's our best chance of survival, honestly."

Dan slits his eyes for a second, mulling it over and staring at his journal.

"Okay, I'll... write it down as an option or something. If we have no other better ideas for Winter."

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