Packing (re upload cuz it deleted itself)

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thanks for 1k u guys uwu

oh god that "uwu" right there reminded me of stephen

Two weeks.

That's how long it took for one of the infected cases to break out of the hospital.

Only two weeks.

It was all over the news, social media, headlines, ads, everywhere. Zombie escaped! or something like that.

And it started right here, in Canada, in our very own city. How fortunate we were.

When most viruses break out, announcements are all about "washing your hands", and "wearing masks".

That wasn't the case for this virus.

Using hand sanitizer and disinfecting your belongings wouldn't help you; that didn't have anything to do with this disease.

It couldn't be transmitted through air or human contact; the only way to get it is to be bitten or scratched by the infected themselves. Anything like that.

That would be a good thing, right? Not getting infected just because someone coughed on you?

Well, yeah. Better than to have the pathogen transmitted through air.

But the fact that it can only be passed on only by the infected is still not gonna save the world.

Especially since one of those very infected people were now out on the loose.

It was a small girl that had escaped, the same small girl from the carnival. She had smashed the thick glass wall with her head mercilessly, over and over.

First, it hadn't made a dent.

But after repeatedly doing it, the glass caved in and smashed.

The nurses and doctors that were trying to get the child under control were bitten. They didn't become zombies right away, though.

And now, the small infected creature was out. Somewhere.

Last place she - no, it, - was seen, was the park. That same park the four of us were at less than a month ago.

That thought made my stomach feel funny.

Everything was just sinking in now. What was happening was actually happening. A pandemic that would shake up humanity long-term.

Humanity could perish. At one point - hell, it could take years, - but at one point, there would be no humans in the world. The thought made me feel dizzy.

What would happen in the next week? Month? Even year?

I'd probably die before a year anyways.

The first few days after the creature escaped, nothing much happened. Schools shut down and it was told to stay inside.

Turns out that maybe some people did go outside anyways, because pretty soon, word got around of a small number of lifeless beings roaming around.

And Stephen's plan about the cellar?

Not thought thoroughly enough.

Since I didn't have a phone, I couldn't reach him. So I didn't know whether to go to his house now, or wait around.

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