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        jaemin and jeno often hang out these days. why? obvious reasons.

        1. they want to know where renjun is
        2. they want to know who the suspect is
        3. they want to know why it was renjun who was taken when, obviously, he didn't do anything.

        so the two never even decided to split from each other except during classes that they don't have together. though they're lucky! they spend most of their classes together, but they'd be even luckier if renjun was there with them.

        whenever they're together, 20% of their time was for actually investigation, 30% sulking about renjun, and 50% blabbering and admiring the chinese boy. if that's not what you mean by "madly in love" then i dont know what it is.

        they knew that they were supposed to be rivals when it comes to renjun, but they're facing the same problem. renjun's kidnapped. they wouldn't want to add more problems to an already heavy one.

        "lee jeno!!" jaemin called out from behind, skipping towards the said boy. jeno looked behind him and smiles at jaemin before waving, which jaemin gladly did the same.

        "after school, the usual place later?" jaemin asked and jeno nodded and hummed as a response. by usual place, he meant the cafe that the three of them went to. it was for the mass search.

        the mass search already started. everyday after school the students and teachers roam around different places just to find renjun. they printed out flyers, posters, tarpaulins— you name it. renjun might not be that popular in their school but people are willing to look for him. especially jaemin and jeno.

        the day went by fast. the next thing they knew is that the school day's already ended, and the students went out to find renjun again.

        jaemin was the first to arrive at the cafe so he ordered some iced americano while he waits for jeno. after a few minutes that he got his drink, jeno came.

        "am i too late?" he asks, sitting down across jaemin. the younger laughed and shook his head no with an adorable smile. "nope, just in time. whose car will we use now?"

        "mine! we used yours yesterday," jeno said, which jaemin nodded. "well, let's go! taeyong hyung said not to stay out after 7 pm right?" jaemin sing-sang, like he was teasing jeno and the older playfully rolled his eyes. "yeah yeah. let's go!"

        like the gentleman jeno is, he opened the door for jaemin to exit the cafe first and opened the passenger's seat as well before sitting at the driver's seat. and of course, they both fastened their seatbelt for safety.

        "is it okay with you if i play some music?" jaemin asked and looked at jeno with puppy eyes. jeno hums and nodded in response, not bothering to look at jaemin since he was starting the car. the younger softly squealed in joy and connected his phone to the car through bluetooth before playing the music.

summer after highschool when we first met
we'd make out in your mustang to radiohead
and on my eighteenth birthday, we got matching tattoos.

        "i think i know this song, i just can't point it out," jeno said, still focused on the road while jaemin giggled. "you're a top!"

        "wh— how do you even know that?"

        "wellllll they say if you don't know the whole lyrics to this song then you're a top!"

        "so you're a bottom?"

        "pfft— no! i'm a verse dumbass."

        "no need to get aggressive," jeno chuckled and spared a glance at jaemin before focusing on the road again. the younger didn't notice and instead looked outside the window, weird emotions overflowing in him.

used to steal your parents' liquor and climb to the roof
talked about our future like we had a clue
never planned that one day, i'd be losing you

        the last line made jaemin and jeno frown, even if they told themselves that they aren't going to give up on renjun easily. they really don't want to lose him, he had a big impact on them.

        jaemin may seem overdramatic or emotional right now but swore he felt his heart ache when he heard the last line.

        are they going to lose renjun?

        he sighed and shaked his head no to remove that thought out of his head. he tried to focus on the cars passing by during this afternoon, and how the sky's turning into orange as the sun sets.

in another life, i would be your girl
we keep all our promises be us against the world
in another life, i would make you stay
so i don't have to say you were the one that got away
the one that got away

        "everything okay, nana?" the older asked and jaemin hums in response. jeno could feel how sad jaemin is right now, and he's sad too of course. he knows that the younger misses renjun like how he does.

        jaemin told himself that he would play this on loop if they failed to find renjun, which he hopes doesn't happen. he doesn't want renjun to leave him— leave them.

that was cliché but please i was in tears when i listened to that again

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