iv. player

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"i know you just wanted to hold my hand." mattia said, watching me.

"yes, i definitely wanted to hold your sweaty ass hand. i make you nervous, huh?" i nudged him lightly, looking down at his phone as it lit up from a notification. mattia grabbed it quickly, turning away from me as he opened the message that appeared on his phone.

"keeping secrets from me already, polibio?" he shook his head, before placing his phone safely into his pocket and turning to me. "it was nothing." i looked down at the time on my phone, sighing softly as mattia watched me again. i began to stare at him back before he smiled at me, showing his little gap, causing me to laugh. "my teeth are not funny." he frowned at me before turning away. "you know i'm insecure about them." he whined, covering his mouth as he stood off the bed.

"bitch, look at mine!" i exclaimed, forcing a smile as i pointed.

mattia took my face in his hands, inspecting my teeth closely. "are you fucking dumb? that tiny ass thing! get the fuck outta here, bro!" his thick italian accent peaking through before he laughed, releasing my face gently.

"i missed you."

"i didn't miss your bitchass." he said in a serious voice, i raised my eyebrows and nodded slightly before crossing my arms and sitting on the bed. "my family did, but definitely not me." he continued, sitting on the bed with me. "you weren't even my bestfriend, you know? just some girl from school." now i know this bitch is lying. "well, i missed you." he smiled at me.

we talked for a couple of more minutes about how he's "famous" now, and how all of that started before i noticed the door crack open a bit, revealing three heads. i saw as they jumped back from the doorway slightly as i turned my head. i gestured my eyes towards the door to mattia, who hadn't noticed yet. "these motherfuckers." he whispered quietly as he rolled his eyes.

"yea, i basically started the whole tiktok thing." he said loudly for the strangers hiding upstairs to hear, "that's why i'm waayyy more famous than them, y'know?"

"alright, that's fucking cap!" a short one yelled, pointing at mattia. "we're not gonna let you sit here, and LIE about shit in front of some girl." within a matter of seconds, the boy was jumping onto mattia, causing me to get up off of the bed chuckling.

"who is this, huh mattia? you think you can just have a girl in my house, without MY permission. you're a player!" the darker one said, hoovering over mattia as the other two boys wrestled the poor boy.

"dirty mattia! dirty mattia!" all three boys began to shout.

"get off of me, you rat fuck!" mattia yelled, jumping over the bed to stand beside me.

"this," he stood behind me with his left hand on my shoulder. my eyes widened as he gripped it tightly, "is blair." he puckered his lips to the boys as he rested his head on my right shoulder for a slight second before he picked his head up, his hands leaving my body.

the boys sat at the edge of the bed, nodding and mhm-ing. "but who is she?" one of them asked, holding his hand out for more context. mattia nudged me slightly, telling me to talk. my face was bright red.

"i, uh. i'm uh blair?" my voice got high at the end, too nervous to compose words.

"i already fuckin' said that." mattia groaned, placing his hand over his eyes from embarrassment. the boys watched me unamused. "look at her! you're scaring her!"

"i'm from here, but i moved to california in the eighth grade. and now i'm back here." i smiled slightly, at them, watching as the smiled back.

"blair, meet kairi, alvaro, and alejandro." mattia said, pointing to each of them as he pronounced each name with an accent.

"nice to meet you all."

"now get out. cmon. let's go." mattia said, pushing kairi off the bed, onto his feet.

"mattia, bruh. we came to get you!"

"i can't leave!" he shouted slightly and used his thumb to point towards me.

"you can leave."

"she can come too!" alvaro said, reaching for mattias shoulders to shake him. "it'll be fun, papi."

mattia thought to himself for a couple of seconds before looking at me, then the boys, then me again. "meeting." he said, pulling me to the bathroom, shutting the door behind us. the boys started yelling 'ooohhhh' from the bedroom.

"do you want to go?" he asked, looking down at me. even in wedges, he was taller than me.

"do you want me to go?" he shrugged. "if you don't say you want me to go, i'm not going." i joked.

"fine, i want you to go."

"i'm not going."

"but you said!" he pleaded, grabbing my arm. "blair milani brooks."



"mattia." he hovered over me, raising his eyebrows as he looked down. "please." he said, dragging the word out.

"fine." he smiled a giddy smile, before making a "happy noise" and opening the door, jumping onto his friends. "let's get the fuck out of here." mattia grabbed a jacket from his rack.

the three boys began to walk up the stairs. i smiled up at mattia as he waited at the bottom of the stairs for me to go first, he walked behind me, turning off the lights before closing the door. our parents sat at the table, talking and laughing as we walked in. mattia placed his head on his hands in between the space of his mom and dad, smiling stupidly. "partivano?" he said, suggesting to his parents.

"cosa?" mr.polibio asked, flicking mattia in the head - causing him to say 'ow' softly.

"papa, per favore?" he whined, placing his head on mrs. polibio's shoulder.

his dad shook his head, "no, you have company, mattia."

"blair said she'll come too!" i nodded and smiled.

"don't make my son do anything you don't want to do, okay?" i nodded again, laughing.

"i promise, he's not. i want to go." they looked at me, their eyes pleading with me almost. mattia kissed his moms cheek before motioning us out, placing his hand on the bottom of my back slightly as we walked. he opened the front door and closed it behind us, listening as my heels clacked quietly. "do you want to change your shoes before we go?" i looked down, and nodded. "we can trade shoes if you're up to it." i laughed.

"haha, you're so fuckin' funny." he looked at me sternly, "we need to go next door real quick, for princess blair over here."

"simp!" alejandro called out to him before getting into the passenger seat of a red car. mattia and i walked through the grass next door to my house. i opened the door, letting both of us in, leading us upstairs to my room. "oh, you're rich." i rolled my eyes at him, taking a seat on my bed. mattia sat beside me, pointing at the wall next door - listening to the music blaring. "ansel." i stated, grabbing a box to look through for a pair of shoes. he nodded and watched me.

"are you going to keep doing that?"

"doing what?" he asked, defensively.

"staring at me." i answered, with a small smile. he was quiet for a few seconds.

"i haven't seen you in almost four years, it's not my fault i can't keep my eyes off of you."

teeth • mattia polibioOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora