xi. baewatch

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"he's not my boyfriend, for the last time." i groaned in annoyance.

"according to tiktok, he is." the phone indicated he hung up.

i tapped on the instagram app - quickly typing in 't-i-k-t-o' before it popped up. my eyes wandered to the latest post - in which the cover was a red-lit room, mattia beside me in the bed, with the words "TIKTOKROOM" as a watermark. i widened my eyes clicking on the video, "are you my girlfriend?" i shook my head, the video replaying before i clicked on the comments impulsively.

"who is that?" i read off the first three comments to myself. "what happened to cynthia? is this mattia's new girl? mattia on #baewatch?" i groaned loudly, tossing my phone to the side of me. i glanced at my phone as it laid, thrown on to the bed. should i say something? no, no need to create a bigger problem. right? soon, my phone began to flood in with instagram notifications. all in which people are requesting to follow my account. i grabbed my phone off of the bed once again, and clicked on mattia's contact to call. the phone rang once before the boy's voice appeared on the other end, a sound of water roared over. "hello?" he asked, trying to speak over the water, "blair?"

"are you in the shower?" i scrunched my nose, listening.

"yea, but i'm just getting out. give me five minutes i'll call back." he pleaded over the phone before hanging up. there was a soft knock on my bedroom door, "come in." i shouted, the door opened slowly - revealing ansel and corrine. ansel tilted his head to her, motioning her to come him. she stood still, looking down at the floor. "corrine, go." he said sternly, nudging her into the room softly. i scooted over to the corner of the bed, ansel and corrine taking a seat beside me.

"what?" i questioned, ansel glanced to me before glancing at corrine.

corrie exhaled, "you know how you were on tiktokroom?" i nodded slightly, raising an eyebrow to her, "well, i - uh, i'm theonethatputyourinstagramoutthere." she said all at once, beginning to run out of the room. ansel jumped off the bed swiftly, guarding the door. she stood in front of the tall boy, defeated. i shot her a glare as she took a seat back onto the bed.

"this was because of you?" i chuckled slightly, showing her my lock-screen which was full of notifications. she nodded, pushing the phone away. "perche?"

she looked at me with confusion. "b, you know i don't know what that italy stuff is."

"why?" i repeated.

"i don't know." she stated, "i just liked the thought of you dating someone famous." ansel half-smiled at her, before shaking his head to me. "i'm so sorry." she continued, "if you hate me, that's fine but don't tell mom."

i thought for a second, before my phone began to ring. "it's fine, delete the comment." she nodded. i motioned them out, as soon as the door was shut i answered the incoming facetime from none other than - mattia polibio. i pressed the green button, mattia had propped his phone against the bathroom mirror in which he stood, drying his hair off.

"hey." i started, receiving a long "hey" back in response.

"have you checked tiktokroom?" he nodded his head shyly, picking his phone up to walk out of the bathroom.

"alejandro sent me some screenshots. i'm sorry." he started to say.

i shook my head in disagreement, "it's fine, i shouldn't have freaked out about it." i said in efforts to relieve the situation. i watched as he rolled his eyes at me over the screen.

"blair, c'mon. out of everyone, i should have respected the one thing you asked me not to do. you know how introverted i was before all of this. i'm sorry, and i mean it." i stared at him, i nodded and contemplated what to say next. "how do i fix all of this?"

thank you, mattia. now i really don't know what to say.

"you and corrine can brainstorm." i joked, receiving a 'are you dumb?' look from mattia. "cause yo- and she s-, ya know what? nevermind."

he sighed loudly, running a hand through his black hair. "we can just leave it alone until it blows over, which it will." i nodded in agreement.

"and what does cynthia have to say about all of this?" mattia laughed loudly, looking at me with a serious face.

"you're so fuckin' funny." he basically barked at me, "she doesn't have to say anything about it, it doesn't involve her." he crossed his arms over his chest, staring at me. i raised my hands in surrender.

"i don't even know who cynthia is!" he squinted his eyes at me, with a small smile across his lips, "she just is continuously getting brought up in between all this so i just decided to ask." i looked away from the camera, feeling nervous from mattia's gaze. i used my hand to cover my eyes, using the 'we irritatin' girls as inspiration.

"you are irritatin." mattia said in between a smile. i put my hand down, and smiled at the boy in the phone screen. he looked around at me, tilting his head to the side slightly in confusion.

"what?" i smiled wide quickly, before pretending to make a serious face at him.

"when am i going to be on bae-watch?"

teeth • mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now