vii. breakfast

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i blinked my eyes open, groaning as i rolled over to the right side of my bed. i pulled my white covers closely to my body, allowing my feet to hang off the side of the bed. i felt around for my phone, finding it hidden away under my pillow. 10:04. i rubbed my eyes and sat up reading the many notifications that awaited me - all from mattia. the boy texted me about 10 times, all in which telling me to answer him. i cleared the messages and placed my feet on the cold wooden floor.

after doing my daily necessities, i took off mattia's hoodie, grabbed the container placed on my bedside table and went downstairs.

"good morning, b!" my mom said, placing dishes on the shelves in the cupboard. "did you sleep okay?" i nodded my head, kissing her cheek softly as i stood in front of the sink sleepily. i turned the sink on and began washing the container mrs. polibio sent home for me. "the food was amazing last night! giacomo and mirna made you plate, it was in the fridge but ansel emiliano might have eaten it!" i watched as he peeked his head at us from the couch, shaking his head.

i chuckled, "no, i ate it. i'm washing it right now so i can take it back to them."

"oh, that's very nice of you." she said, shutting the cupboard door. "and this too?" she smiled at me, as she pointed to the dark blue hoodie thrown on the counter. i smiled at the thought of last night, nodding again. she looked at me like she knew who it belonged to. i turned the sink off and began to dry it. dad and corrine slid the backyard door open, walked in and took a seat on the couch with ansel. i grabbed the hoodie along with the container and walked outside to the neighbors house. the driveway was empty and the house seemed to hold nobody inside, i placed the pad of my finger on the doorbell and listened as is it rang. i waited for a couple of minutes before deciding no-one was home. i turned on my heels as the door opened. a messy-haired mattia stood at the door, rubbing his eye with his knuckles before pulling his glasses over his eyes again. "blair." he said in a sing-songy voice, a small smile appeared across his lips. i pushed the loose strands from my braid behind my ears, and smiled at him. he motioned me inside.

"i just needed to return these to you." he rolled his eyes at me, slumping down a bit as he grabbed the two items from me. he looked down at the container and squinted his eyes, "why do i want that shit?" i scoffed, laughing slightly pushing it back towards him.

"your parents sent me food home last night in that," i pointed to it, "so i washed and brought it back." he rolled his eyes again, walking inside, waiting for me to follow - so i did, shutting the door behind me. "they didn't leave me shit." he said, placing the container on the counter.

"they wrote me a note too." i gloated, causing him to groan.


"welcome home, sweet girl. made with love."

"cap." he responded, shaking his head. "wanna go downstairs?" i shook my head in response.

"i haven't eaten yet, and i'm not dressed."

"we haven't either, but you can cook for us." he smiled widely at me, i raised my eyebrows at him. "i'll go get the boys, you go home and prepare. be there at 11." i opened my mouth to begin talking, "ar-." mattia placed his pointer-finger over my lips, hushing me.

"shut the fuck up."

"bu-." i began again, he pressed his finger into my lips harder.

"shut it." i nodded, pushing his finger off. he smiled at me again, walking downstairs. i sighed and let myself out, walking back home. everyone was sat in the living-room, watching t.v., i took a seat on the couch in between my mom and ansel. "can mattia and two friends come over for breakfast?" i asked, holding my hands together to my mom - pleading with her. "yes, of course!" she said, shockingly. "i'm not sure what all we have, but if you all need something - you can get it delivered." she tapped my dad's shoulder, "we're going to nonna and poppy brooks' for a while, and i guess after breakfast, ansel can come pick you up," she looked to ansel, causing him to nod his head in agreement,"and mattia if he wants to go." she nodded towards me.

all at once, they got off the couch and dispersed throughout the house to get dressed. i went upstairs to rinse and change into a new pair of lounge clothes, and once i went back down - the house was empty. i opened the fridge to see what we had and what we needed to order. the doorbell rang throughout the house, i looked down at my phone - 11:00 on the dot. i chuckled to myself, walking to the door. i waited a couple of seconds, so it didn't seem like i was waiting around for them - but in reality, i was. i opened the front door with a smile, frowning when it was only mattia. "hello again." he smiled. i narrowed my eyes at him, opening the door wider and moving out of the way to let him him. two heads popped around the sidewalk with huge grins, i smiled to them. "why do you smile when you see them, but frown when you see me?" mattia asked as he walked in, shaking his head.

"because we're the better two." kairi said as he grinned a cheeky smile at me. i shut the door after they walked in, standing by the door for me to lead them. i walked into the kitchen, one by one they took a seat on a stool. "what's for breaky?" mattia asked, puckering his lips, the two boys to his left looked at him in disgust.

"breaky?" i questioned, causing him to stick the finger at me, "i ordered a couple of things we might need, but i'm not sure what exactly is for 'breaky.'" i said, airquotting his word. they nodded at me, "the fridge was kind of empty because we just moved in." i pulled myself onto the counter, sitting on top. i looked at the boys, yawning.

"i want waffles." kairi blurted, the boys nodded in agreement. i hopped off of the counter, walking towards the pantry. my eyes gazed along the shelves, landing on a box of walfle-mix. i pulled it and brought it out, tossing it to mattia. "do i have to make it alone?" i pouted slightly to them.

"i'll help." kairi and alejandro said, standing on their feet. mattia shook his head, sliding the box across the counter to us. "you all cook for big boy." he said, slapping his chest loudly. i rolled my eyes at him, motioning the two to the island. we grabbed all the materials and ingredients needed to make the waffles. kairi and i started the waffles, while alejandro started the eggs. mattia watched from the stool, mainly kairi and i. the doorbell rang, and everybody got quiet.

"it's just the delivery man." i laughed, looking towards mattia, "can you go get the bags?" i smiled at him, he nodded and walked to the front door, we listened as there was a light conversation at the door. kairi continued prepping the waffles, throwing the powder mix at me slightly. i laughed and threw some back at him - causing stares from aleandro. "what? you want some too?" kairi said, poking his head towards alejandro who stood at the stove, he smiled as he shook his head - kairi throwing mix at him anyways. "kairi, c'mon! on my black shirt!" he tossed an egg shell to us, kairi hid behind me slightly. mattia walked in as we began laughing. he looked directly at me, raising his eyebrows as he saw the powder in my hair. he rolled his eyes, tossing the bags onto the counter. we all looked at him.

"what?" he rolled his eyes again, dropping his head lower.

"if you keep rolling your eyes, they're gonna get stuck like that." i said, repeating the infamous words of my grandmother. mattia looked at me annoyed, i shut my mouth quickly and walked over to the bags - grabbing the bacon to hand to alejandro. i unloaded the other groceries, and asked the two boys if they needed help, they both denied so i decided to set the table. i grabbed a stack of plates, and passed mattia as he sat. "do you mind helping me set the table?" i smiled at him as i walked to the dinning room, he followed. "do you mind not flirting with my friends?" he spat under his breath, i scrunched my brows at him, stopping in my tracks.

"flirting?" he nodded, "if you call making breakfast "flirting" then apparently i've flirted plenty of times with my parents." i snapped at him.

he rolled his eyes, resting his arm on a chair. "you know that's not what i meant, blair." i nodded and sighed loudly, walking back into the kitchen to grab the rest of the items. mattia followed again, like a little puppy following it's mom. he stood beside me with a guilty look, i looked up at him and handed him four cups. he walked off with the cups and the same guilty look, i grabbed the silverware from the drawer and walked them over to the table.

"are you mad?" mattia stopped me in the dining room, taking the silverware out of my hands. i shook my head, biting my top lip softly. "well, i did't mean to jump on you like that. i'm sorry."

"i'm sorry too, we can just forget about it." he nodded holding his hand out to me. "friends?"

i began to reach my hand out to him as the house was filled with a loud beeping. two yells were heard from the kitchen, causing mattia and i to run to the kitchen.

"blair! kitchen! now!"

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