v. the game

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i rolled my eyes at him, and stood upright from the bed. "i'll leave for another four years if you keep flirting with me." he shook his head and stood, stretching his long body out as he yawned.

"flirt with you? never." he punched my shoulder slightly, and flipped my light switch off, pushing me out of my own room. "you're so slow." i began walking down the hall, towards the staircase. i lifted my middle finger behind my head and directed it towards him. "your fingernail is longer than your fucking finger." he scoffed, "you go down, i'm gonna tell ansel what's up." i nodded and did what i was told, knowing damn well i'm scared as fuck to get in the car with strangers. pretty nice strangers so far. i shut the front door and walked to the parked car, noticing the windows were rolled down. i smiled gently as alejandro told the two boys in the back to make room for me. i opened the door, getting in beside them. "where's mattia?"

"he's talking to my brother, but they're probably kissing knowing mattia." they chuckled.

"he's always trying to kiss me! i'm convinced he's gay." alvaro said.

"i'm waseem." he held his hand up partially, almost waving at me but not quite. "blair brooks" i smiled.

the car was mostly quiet, beside the keyboard noises coming from the front seat. i watched as mattia opened and shut my front door, before running quickly to the car. he opened the car door swiftly, jumping into my lap. "hi." he smiled down at me.

"hi." i managed to say, his body squishing me. he pushed me over and sat near the door, taking my place - causing kairi and alvaro to groan and push each other. "mattia, you fat fuck." alvaro placed one leg over kiari.

"this is insanely dangerous. we are not wearing our seatbelts and personally, i feel that it's irresponsible to drive like this." mattia began to yell, with a high pitched voice. the car began to fill with "shut the fuck up's" and light "ow's" as kairi, alvaro, and alejandro began to punch him. "fuck off!" he yelled back, watching out the window.

we pulled into a parking lot full of cars outside of building. waseem parked and turned the car off, we all began to get out. we inched closer to the front doors of the building before mattia began to yell again, "look, look, watch. look." we all turned to face him, he began to run, attempting to jump over a small pillar. he jumped over it, running into alejandro. "waste my time on that dumb shit again." alejandro said loudly, opening the door to go in. we all walked in, cold air instantly hitting my body.

"are you fuckin' serious? you fucking imbeciles." mattia groaned, grabbing kairi's face, "you couldn't tell us we're coming to a fucking ice hockey game?" kairi pulled mattia's hands off of him, shaking his hair out. "you didn't fucking ask." kairi said in defense.

"look at her," he said pointing to me, "she's in a fucking skirt! she's gonna get fucking hypothermia or some shit!"

"ooo, did mattia learn a new word?"

"no, i've known this word." he enunciated, "besides the point." he motioned his friends off and pulled me to the side.

"mattia, i'm going to be fine." i looked up at him, he raised his eyebrows at me. "and if i want to leave, i'll call ansel" i suggested.

"wha-wait, ansel can drive?" i scrunched my face at him and nodded. "don't look at me like that." he began walking,  checking his messages to see where his friends decided to sit. we took a seat beside them and began watching the game.

kairi tapped my shoulder gently, inching closer to me so i can hear him over the crowd, "if you want to leave, just let us know and we can go. waseem won't mind." he said, i nodded and smiled in response.


after about an hour of freezing, the game was over. we all exited off of the stands, and went down to the side of the rink - as we stood, mattia touched my arm and swore i was "as cold as ice," and he was right but never in a million years would i admit mattia knew better than i did. he asked waseem for the keys, and led me to the car. as soon as we got out of the building, he quickly took off his hoodie and handed it to me to wear. "couldn't let your girlfriends see me in your jacket, huh?"

"what girlfriends?"

he opened the car door and stood, motioning me in. i began to get in, before he jumped in before me.

"ladies first." i rolled my eyes, shutting the door. he handed me the keys, i looked down at my skirt and shook my head at him. "nice try, polibio." i tossed the keys to him, he reached over and started the car.

"it ain't my birthday but thanks for the cake." i winked at him as he took a seat next to me.

"don't look at me like i'm a piece of meat." he crossed his arms over his chest, pulling his long legs up onto the seat as he began to fake cry. the car doors opened one by one, as waseem, alejandro, and kairi got in - mattia still crying.

"this dumb shit again?" waseem asked, "last time he was hungry, what now?"

"i looked at him like a 'piece of meat' apparently." mattia stopped "crying" and pulled my arm, placing me on the middle seat so kairi can sit near the window.

"donde esta alvarito? he asked, speaking over-accented.

"he got a ride with taylor." alejandro said, "i think he's going with roshaun to chill."

"where's everyone going?" waseem asked, driving towards pines.

"drop b and i off at my house, por favor."

"us too." kairi said.

"you're not going to my fucking house." kairi nodded, "yea, we are." he said in a high-pitched voice.

after about five minutes of mattia and kairi going back and forth, we ended up on mattias front lawn.

"look at us, who woulda thought." kairi said, opening the front door of my mattias house.

"go inside, and don't be loud." mattia said in a stern voice, wagging his finger, "if my parents are in the living room, tell them i'm walking blair home."

"bye guys." i smiled, waving to them as they walked inside, waving back.

the door shut and mattia and i began to walk up my driveway, "you can still come over if you want, you know my mom or dad won't care."

"no thank you, i've seen your face enough for one day." i hit my elbow against his arm softly, laughing.

"you're gonna miss me being nice to you, because tomorrow i'm gonna be a real bitch." he scrunched his face to me, stopping in front of my door.

"who said i'm seeing you tomorrow?"

"you're my neighbor, and you're my bestfriend. it's a given." he paused, "and i'm the son of a vampire king."

"ah, is that how it wor-?"

"thank you for walking her home, mattia." my dads voice interrupted. we looked around the porch for him, until i came across the doorbell - a little ring camera was set up. i pointed to it, before covering it with my hand.

"you're welcome, mr. brooks." mattia stretched the corners of his mouth out, in fear. "i'll see you tomorrow." he mouthed to me, pulling the string of his hoodie that i wore slightly before beginning to walk off. halfway across the driveway, he looked back and smiled at me. i smiled back and leaned down to look at the doorbell camera.

"thanks, dad." i rolled my eyes.

"you're welcome, principessa. goodnight."

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