viii. it takes a village

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we entered the kitchen frantically, alejandro and kairi ran around with their hands over there ears to tune out the fire alarm. i looked around, a small gust of smoke from the stove. i turned off the stove, moving the pan off of the flame. mattia grabbed a decorative dish towel from beside me. he began to fan out the smoke, "are y'all gonna stand there or are y'all going to help? find out how to turn that shit off." the boys did as told, bringing back a broom. alejandro began to attempt to press the tiny button located on the roof, and kairi helped mattia with another dish towel.  soon enough, the smoke cleared out and the alarm died down.

"it takes a village." i chuckled, mattia groaned. beginning to argue with the two boys who stood before him, i watched quietly.

"what the fuck is wrong with you two?" he shouted, they stayed silent. "oh, y'all are all hush now?"

"mattia, go upstairs. you're just hungry." he rolled his eyes, doing as i suggested. once he was completely gone, alejandro spoke up.

"i'm so sorry." i shook my head, smiling at him. "it really isn't a big deal, mattia's just in a mood."

"i'm sorry too." kairi said, walking back to the oven, alejandro following. we talked and joked quietly, finishing breakfast. kairi and i placed all of the food out while alejandro began to clean. "you both can sit down and start eating, i'll go get mattia so he doesn't snap again." i chuckled, waking upstairs. i knocked on my bedroom door before walking in - mattia was stood up in front of up a picture frame full of pictures of mattia and i. i jumped in front of him, and tried to pull him away from the frame. "stop... that..." i said, dragging my words out as he picked me up and pushed me onto my bed. my eyes widened, looking up at him as he hovered over me. "the foods, uh, ready?" i said, he stood up right.

"are you asking if it is, or are you saying it is?"

"i'm telling you it's ready." he held his hand out for me, pulling me up from the bed. i straightened my clothes out, along with my hair and went downstairs with mattia. we all took a seat around the table, in front of our plates. i sat besides kairi, mattia sat across from me with alejandro. i smiled at him and picked up a fork, "how proper this is." alejandro giggled slightly, trying to do a british accent.

"very, it's well posh." i said back, using my british accent.

"it would be delightful, if my bacon wasn't fookin burnt." mattia said, raising his eyebrows towards the boys. they lowered their heads, and ate their food quietly. the rest of our late breakfast, we talked about stupid things at first - how mattia looks like the good dinosaur, how mattia basically sucks at minecraft, according to kairi, stuff like that. near the end, they started talking about all of the stuff they had planned this summer, starting with all of the tiktok stuff. i didn't talk much during the last part, because i'm not involved in any of it. i graced my plate and took it to the kitchen to wash, the talking travelled throughout the hall, making each and every word i heard incoherent. after a couple of minutes, the boys came into the kitchen and dropped their dishes off to me in the sink. these motherfuckers.

"usually id help, but my rides here." alejandro said, walking to the front door with kairi.

"yea, and mattia could help since he didn't during breaky." kairi smiled, "thanks for breakfast though! bye!" his voice disappeared as he walked out, mattia stood beside me at the sink.

"i'll wash, you dry." he commanded, i nodded, moving over so he can wash. "you're mean to them, you know?" he shook his head, washing a large plate with a small penis drawn in syrup was placed on the corner.

"well, maybe if they weren't such idiots." he laughed, showing me the plate. i shook my head and smiled, "my mom asked if you wanted to come to nonna brooks' with me after breakfast." i looked up at him as he rinsed, handing me the plate. i patted it softly with a rag.

he nodded and glanced at me from the side, "i love nonna brooks! she think i'm so handsome." he smiled at me, "i mean, she's not wrong."

"she can't see properly, she doesn't like to wear her glasses so she might be wrong." i joked, placing the plate up.

he rolled his eyes, yet again. "stop capping."

that word is so dumb, if i ever use that word - shoot me.

"taking that as a yes, then?" he nodded, turning the sink off, taking a couple dishes for himself to dry from the stack. we dried the dishes in sweet silence - not the type of weird silence, but the silence when you know you don't have to say anything. you don't have to say anything to ruin each other's company. i looked around the kitchen to find any mess we might need to clean but it was spotless - just how it was before.

"go home and do whatever you need, and come over here when you're done?" he nodded at me, we walked to the front door together, he walked out and i walked upstairs into my room. i sat on my bed, to decide what to wear.

i grabbed my clothes, and threw them on before going into my bathroom

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i grabbed my clothes, and threw them on before going into my bathroom. i brushed myself teeth, washed my face and brushed my hair. i stood in front of the mirror, wrapping my up into a high ponytail, allowing my natural waves to show. i did a light face of makeup, not wanting to waste a whole lot of time. i began to fill in my eyebrows as my door opened. mattia appeared in the doorway of the bathroom, watching me as i looked at myself in the mirror.

"i could've been naked." i said, turning at him as i smiled.

"but you're not." he winked, walking over to the bathroom mirror with me. he stood beside me, looking down at my makeup bag, pulling a brick colored matte lipstick out before handing it to me. i grabbed it from him, he looked down at me with smile. "wear it."

i continued looking up at him, batting my eyelashes at him slightly. "please." he continued, pulling his phone out to take a picture in the mirror.

"do not post that, mattia." i said sternly, he continued looking down at his phone.

i am not in the mood to be attacked by a bunch of strangers on the internet. not today. not ever.

"if i want to post my friends, i can post my friends." he said to me, pulling himself up onto the counter, i shook my head.

friend zone, baby. i live there!

"friend or not, they practically attack any girl you're around." he rolled his eyes, he played music off of his phone singing along to every lyric. i continued my makeup, and finished after about 10 minutes of mattia's singing. i placed everything where it should be before shutting off the lights and closing the door, mattia still inside. i walked downstairs, listening as mattias heavy steps got closer and closer. he jumped over the couch, laying on it. i walked around it, like a normal person - laying on the opposite side, grabbing my phone. we laid beside each other, before he sat upright, using his long arm to snatch my phone out of my hand.

"matti, what the fuck." i said, reaching for it. he shook his head, laughing at me. "come sit next to me, we can watch all american." he smiled happily, leaning his body against the side of the couch, he patted his shoulder, i adjusted myself and placed my head on his shoulder, he smiled down at me. i grabbed the remote, and put on the show he suggested. i looked up at him, his eyes focused on the t.v..

"were not kids anymore, mattia."


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