xii. puppy love

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"mattia," i began as i shook my head slightly in a more serious manner, "you can't joke about things like that."

the smile that danced on mattia's lips slowly fell, as did his eyes. "can i see you tonight? so we can talk."

i furrowed my eyebrows down at the boy as i watched my phone screen diligently, i scrunched my lips together before licking them slightly to speak, "you're talking to me now." i rolled my eyes up, a small smirk forming on my lips.

"open your balcony doors at 12:00, sharp."

i tilted my head, "huh?"

"you heard me" was the last words spoken before the end-sound was heard. i rolled my eyes, glancing at the time before tossing my phone to the side of my bed. i sighed, resting my head against the headboard of my bed.

two days. two days i've been home and it feels as though my life's been thrown around drastically - all it took was mattia.

my mind couldn't help but wander to earlier today, as we laid beside each other on the hammock - reminiscing.

a light smile tugged at my lips, he really was a beautiful boy.

"blair!" my thoughts were interrupted as my mom called from downstairs, i groaned before calling back "what" - receiving silence in response. isn't that the worst?

i dangled my feet off of the bed, grabbing my phone and headed downstairs to my mom. she stood behind the counter alongside my dad, preparing the dining-table like i did earlier today with mattia. i took a seat beside corrine. once the table was set, everyone else took a seat and began eating. i looked down at my plate, pushing food around with my fork in boredom. my dad watched as i did so. he pointed his fork at me with a stern look.

"you don't like my cooking?" my eyes widened as they all stopped eating to look at me. i rolled my eyes at him with a smile, "it's the worst." he flashed his teeth at me as he smiled back, motioning for me to eat. i pecked at my food in order to feel as though i'm not disrespecting him.

my mom and dad conversed with us lightly about how they start work tomorrow. my dad taking his old position at the law office, and my mom as a flight attendant. i sighed as i thought about how the house was before we moved to california - how terrible it felt to have my parents distant. i forced a smile at them as the table settled down from conversation, i cleared my throat to speak.

"i don't want to keep anything from you guys, so i'm just going to ask. is i-?" my mom cut me off quickly, her eyes wide.

"is this something about, you know what?" i widened my eyes back at her, along with everyone else that sat at the table. i shook my head frantically, my face a bright red shade.

"no, uh. what?" i squinted my eyes at her, "is it okay if mattia comes by to talk to me tonight? it's about something important apparently." my parents took a breath of relief in unison, before nodding their heads slightly.

"not too late, you hear me?"

after dinner, and after helping ansel and corrine clean up the kitchen, i went upstairs to wind down and to take some very much needed time to myself. i finished unpacking my room, and ran myself a bath afterwards. i dressed in my favorite pair of silk pajamas, did a quick face mask, lit a couple of candles, and before i knew it, it was 12:29.

i unlocked my balcony doors, watching as a figure walked across my backyard dressed in a dark hoodie and sweats. he stood beneath the balcony, and looked up at me with a smile once he noticed i was there.

"how the fuck do you want me to get up there?" he whisper-yelled from the lawn.

"this was your idea, genius." i scoffed, motioning him to the back doors. i shut the balcony doors and walked down to the backyard doors, mattia stood with his hoodie over his head, waiting to be let inside. i watched him from the glass, his eyes wide. i pouted out my bottom lip and pretended to cry, pointing at him.

"hurry the fuck up." he mouthed to me, i unlocked the doors quietly, letting him in. he followed me up to my bedroom, i took a seat on my bed as he shut the bedroom door softly. he looked around the room with a confused look.

"are you trying to - ?" he questioned, a smile forming at his lips. i shook my head, giving him a look in disbelief. he took a seat beside me, his legs hanging off of the bed. i sat criss-cross in front of him, his eyes on me.

the candle light flickered against his face, the air smelt like vanilla, and my heart nearly beat out of my chest.

his eyes examined my face, scrutinizing every detail of it. i turned my eyes away from him, focusing on the window for a slight second before looking back at him - without eye contact.

"what did you need to talk to me about?" i hitched my breath, in a nervous break. he placed his warm hand on my knee softly, before sucking in his left cheek.

he exhaled before he spoke, taking his hand off of my knee as he took his hoodie off over of his head. he flattened his hair down, and looked at me.

"everything i've been saying hasn't been a joke." i scrunched my face to him in confusion, he rolled his eyes lightly to me, "yes, it's been two days. i know."

i nodded.

"these past two days have been the best days i've had in years, blair."

i watched his facial expressions, as he studied mine, "and that's because of one thing," he held one finger up to me, "you."

i smiled at him softly, receiving one back. it feels as though butterflies got loose inside of my stomach.

"and if this is what everyday is going to be like with you, i would do anything to have you stay by my side."

i stayed quiet, blinking my eyes up so the tears that formed would go away. i opened my mouth to speak, mattia shoved his long finger onto my lips again.

"i liked you then, and i like you now." he took his finger away, watching me. "break my heart a million times, blair brooks - and i'll accept it every time."

he grabbed my hands, and held them on my thighs.

"but if this truly isn't what you want, say it now." i lowered my eyes a bit, shaking my head. "too much time has been wasted and now you're home, i don't want to wa-."

"mattia, listen." i sighed softly, "two days is all it took to gain feelings i never knew i had for you, but this is puppy-love and you know it." i looked up at him, "let's get reacquainted again, then see how we feel."

i released my hands from his grip, smiling at him. he rubbed his face gently before nodding in agreement. he sighed before standing up, glaring around the room once again.

"we could still -." i shoved my finger onto his lips, cutting him off.

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