not an update

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as i sit down to write this, i feel utterly disgusted and truly saddened. i wanted to reach out to all of you today to speak out about the injustices people of color face every day of their lives - right now, i feel as though continuing this book would be wrong, therefore i will not be updating.

i am currently doing my best to speak up, sign petitions, make calls, and protest for those who have gone unheard for too long.

it is time to stop.

no, it should have never begun, but i promise to do everything i can to help. i am only one person, but i hope to make a difference as much as i can.

i'm here for each and everyone of you, and if i can help out in any way - please reach out to me. this is a safe space and i promise, we will make a change together.

no words can ever describe how genuinely sorry i am.

you matter to me - always.

teeth • mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now