vi. until tomorrow

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before going in, i glanced towards mattias house again - a part of me still hoping he was outside. i opened the front door, and walked into the house with an uncontrollable smile. i tried to hide it as i walked up the stairs, but it remained the same, if not bigger when i walked into my room. i locked my balcony doors and shut the curtains and went into the bathroom, flipping the lights on. i stood in front of the mirror, still smiling.

"today was unreal." i said to myself, "YOU spent all night with mattia polibio." i pointed into the mirror. i turned away and began to undress, throwing my clothes onto the bathroom floor. i contemplated showering, but decided to do it tomorrow morning. after throwing on a pair of sleep-shorts and a t-shirt, i washed my face and put my long hair into a loose braid. i grabbed mattias hoodie and slipped it over myself to go downstairs to eat - since i didn't at the polibios. shocker.

i opened the empty fridge, my eyes landing on a container of food. i pulled it out, and read the blue sticky note placed on the lid.

'blair, welcome home sweet girl, made with love  - the polibios.'

i smiled as i read it, and took it upstairs, practically running as i shut the lights out. as i stood outside of my bedroom door, ansel popped his head out of the doorway.

"come." his head disappeared into the room. i walked down the hallway and into his fully furnished room, clean as could be. i sat on the corner of his bed as he sat on a chair in front of his t.v.

"nice hoodie." he said grabbing his console controller from his bedside table, glancing at me. he reached his hand out to me, handing me a headset. "here." i gave him a confused look,  he reached over and pressed a button the side. "talk."

"ansel, wha-?"

"hi, blair." a voice said through the headphones.


"big boy mattia." i took off the headset, and attempted to hand it back to ansel, he shook his head and pushed it back to me.

"mattia, what is so important you had ansel talk to me?" ansel stuck me the finger, i stuck it back.

"unblock my number." there was a roar of laughter in the background, making mattia hush his friends.

"unblock?" i asked, grabbing my phone of the hoodie pocket.

"yes, unblock you bumble-fuck."

"with that attitude, i might just keep you blocked." i smiled as he began repeating "cmon, bruv." in a british accent. i handed ansel the headset back and walked out with my food to my room. i shut the door and sat on my bed, texting mattia.


no need to shout, no need to yell, no need to have a riot 1:51 AM

good girl ❤️ 1:51 AM

someone is asking to be blocked again 1:51 AM

i'm just kidding, bruv
what are you doing tomorrow? 1:52 AM

READ 1:52 AM

i placed my sticky-note on my bedside table and began to eat my food. i decided to leave mattia for no other reason than to keep him in suspense.

until tomorrow, mattia.

AUTHORS NOTE:  hello! i've never done one of these, but i just felt like i needed to point out that this chapter completely sucks - but it was "vital" as a chapter filler. also, don't be afraid to vote on chapters you like, or to leave comments of corrections/suggestions or comments in general - it's greatest appreciated. thank you to those that have read this, and show support for my very first fan-fic.

share & enjoy.

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