1.Morning drives to school

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simon's pov
a/n based on the end scene of film (kind of)
'Simon! Get up your going to be late for school' Mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs.
I grumbled and rubbed my face. I remembered that I was driving everybody to school including my boyfriend. Bram. It was weird to call him my boyfriend but nice at the same time.
I quickly got changed into my white shirt, black jeans, black denim jacket with the fluffy collar and trainers. I ran my hands through my hair quickly and ran down the stairs.
'Easy buddy other wise your gonna hurt your self' Dad laughed as I past him in the hallway.
'Sorry Dad, just realised that I'm gonna be late picking up everyone for school.' I explained.
'Well say hello to them for me' Dad smiled and walked up the stairs.
'Here's your breakfast!' Nora smiled brightly and handed me a plate as I entered the kitchen.
'Hey sweetie. Nearly ready?' Mom asked.
I nodded.
'It's a breakfast burrito.' Nora said.
I smiled 'Hell yh. Thank you'  I scoffed my face. I waved goodbye to my mom and Nora and quickly got into my car.
I picked up Nick first.
'Hey buddy' he said as he got in the car. We pulled up on Leah's drive as she lives right opposite Nick. 'Hey Leah' Nick said and she smiled. We kept driving and stopped at the coffee place. I ordered and got it up from the drive through 3 without milk and 2 with milk. I drove round to the drive-thru window.
'Here you go' the server said as he handed our order. He smiled at me and he was cute.
'Back off dude. He's got a boyfriend' Leah said and glared at him.
He was suddenly taken back and closed the window.
Nick was laughing and I tried to cover my face from embarrassment.
Leah handed Nick his coffee and they high fived.
'Omg dude, Bram needs to know bout this.' Nick laughed.
I turned my head to look at him 'Noooo, please Nick.' I pleaded.
'He's joking' Leah nudged me and I kept driving.
We got to Abby's house and she cane running down the stairs.
'Heyyyy' she called out from outside and got into the car.
'Ready to go pick your boyfriend?' Abby grinned as she took a sip of her coffee.
'Yeah. I guess I am.' I smiled and blushed.
'Oh look who's blushing. Our child has grown up. Look Nick!' Leah cheered.
'Yes he has. Let's go don't wanna be late to see him' Nick smiled. I rolled my eyes and set my mind to Bram. My new boyfriend.
a/n: sorry it's long there will be a second part

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