New Friends Part 2

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AN: Soo around three people have viewed my first chapter and I hope you liked it my lovelies! I hope you end up liking my story and if you have any suggestions just tell me! Goodbye for now and stay safe during our quarantine!       ~From the one and only- Hailee

                                                                [ Y/N Pov]

I slowly began to wake up, I noticed I wasn't in my bedroom. I then realized that there was a pair of bony arms wrapped around me, What the hell? Wait....its...Sans. My face immediately heated up, I struggled to get out of his embrace. He began to wake up, SHITSHITSHITSHIT WHATDOIDO!!! I thought. Sans opened his eye sockets and looked at me. His face literally turned into a glowing blueberry while mine turned into a cherry. "U-uuhh.... I.. um." I stuttered and immidiatly teleported out of there.

                                                             [Sans' Pov]

I felt movement beside me, What is that? I opened my eye sockets and saw Y/N staring at my face, her own face turned a bright red. WHYISSHEINMYBED? WHATTHEHECKWHATTHEHECK?!?!?! "U-uuhh...."  she stuttered. I felt my face heat up, and with a quick flash of F/C she disappeared. Why was she in here?? Then I realized what happened last night, I had asked her to stay with me and she said yes. I remembered snuggling her and playing with her hair, my skull turned a brighter blue if that was possible at the thought. I slapped myself, "Get a hold of yourself Sans!" I whispered/yelled at myself. What is wrong with me!?! I did my best to shake the thought out of my head and got up to go downstairs. 

                                                                                [Y/N Pov]

OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. WHAT WAS THAT?! I screamed at myself. "Okay... calm down Y/N." Inhale exhale inhale... exhale. "Lets just forget what happened and go make breakfast for everyone." I whispered to myself. I quietly put on a F/C sweater and skinny jeans and shut my door quietly to go downstairs. Why don't I make my birthday cake pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon! I teleported out two pans, a small griddle, pancake mix, eggs, bacon, the secret ingredient for the cakes, and other necessities. I turned on the stove and put the pans on it and went to make the pancake batter. First add water to the premade batter, then the maaaggiiccaall ingredient: sprinkles. I used my abilities to plug in the griddle and put the bacon on it. While that stuff was cooking I got started on everything else.


One by one the monsters came out of their rooms, luckily I had finished as soon as they did. "Woah punk! What's that awesome smell?!" Undyne said. " I made you all breakfast!" I said cheerfully. " You didn't have to! But thank you so much, my child!" Toriel said. That's what your mother used to call you when you were very little. Damn, I miss her and dad. You shook yourself out of the thought. "My pleasure! Why don't you guys sit down!" I said. While eating Frisk took a bit of her pancake and sighed to me 'This is amazing!' I looked at her and signed 'Thank you very much I'm glad you like it!' After we were all done eating I went to wash the dishes. "No my child let me do these." Toriel said to me. "Really mom?" I said and gasped at what I called her, she stared at me. "I-I'm s-so sorry" I cried and ran to my room and sobbed as quietly as possible. After a few minutes of me crying to myself I heard a soft knock at my door. "Hey kiddo, you ok in there?" It was Sans. "N-no." I stuttered, Sans opened the door with Tori behind him. "What's wrong my child?" she said, I immediately started to cry again. Sans walked over to me and embraced my shuddering body. " I-I'm sorry Tori, you just really remind me of my mother she...she." I sighed, "It's a long story." was all I could say until I nuzzled my face into Sans' jacket. I could tell he gave her a sign to walk away because as soon as I did she left. "Wanna talk about it kiddo?" Sans asked me, I slowly nodded. " Basically my parents were killed when I was around 10. And I... I was there." I started. "My parents were kinda what you could call spies in a way, they worked for the government. It was their biggest mission yet and the people they were after... found me. At this time my abilities were pretty much worthless so, I couldn't do anything. When they found me they kidnapped me. My parents found out and immediately went to get me but, they were caught. They told them that if they told them who and what I was and also who they worked for they would let us go. No human could know what I was, and nobody except for me could know who my parents worked for. So of course they refused to tell them and for that.... they were tortured.... in front of me. I don't want to get into what they did but lets just say it was very gruesome. They eventually died... and that was it, I snapped. I went on a rampage... Sans that night I killed over a dozen people at age 10! Soon enough I was transmitted to a lab from there on I was known as subject 047. I was tested, cut, shot, and hurt in anyway possible just because I was... different. My parents always told me that my magic was a gift but after that day it was a curse. About 5 years later I escaped to an orphanage and was adopted by my now rich parents. They found out what I was, said they hated me and left me a fortune and moved to Colorado. I haven't seen them for 3 years... I haven't seen any human for 3 years... All because of me they died. A-and I-I jus-st can't take I-it." I finished, I looked over to Sans. His eye sockets were pitch black with a light blue smoke coming from the left one, like mine when I use my magic. "S-sans?" I choked out, "Y-you're scaring me.." I said fearfully. He looked up at me and his white pin-pricks returned. "I'm sorry kiddo." he said and hugged me. "Aren't you angry at me?" I asked, "Why would I be?" he responded. "Because I c-caused my parents... deaths. A-and I m-murdered plenty p-people." I sobbed. " You didn't cause their deaths, and you had a pretty damn good reason to kill." He said.

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