Anger Part 12

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[Y/n Pov]

I woke up to the sound of metal being scraped against rock. I jolted up and looked around quickly, a yellow dino was wearing skull-like armor and welded an ax. Alphys... "Humans... Disgusting creatures if you ask me. I'm going to kill you and take your soul, we'll all be free. So give it up NOW!" she yelled in a dark tone. I looked back to Sans, he was somehow still asleep but stirred every now and then. "Don't make me do something we both will regret." I quietly told her, "HA! What's a measly human like you gonna do?!" Sans jumped up at her volume of voice, "And YOU. You disgusting monster trader! A human and monster is WRONG! IT SHOULD BE DEAD!" Alphys exclaimed and pulled her ax out in front of her. Sans looked down in shame from the looks of it, "Leave him out of this." I hissed. Alphys snapped her head back to me, "Why should I?! He's just as disgusting as you!!" My body began to shake, Damnit Y/n! CALM DOWN! I yelled at myself, "Sans is not disgusting as you call him. He's a hundred times better than you. But you wouldn't know, because of your out look on the world. If I'm honest with you, I hate humans as well. And Sans is absolutely nothing like them. I've made plenty of wrongs, yet he's still here. You can say whatever the hell you want about me, JUST LEAVE HIM OUT." I growled, Y/n! If you don't calm down IT could happen AGAIN! I felt my eye heat up f/c and my teeth grew into fangs. NO!! I CAN"T LET IT HAPPEN! "What the hell punk?!" Alphys said and Sans walked over to me. "Y/n? You've got to calm down. You can't let it take over again!" He told me, I felt the hot tears of anger and fear slide down my face. I looked up at him, "I-I'm scared S-Sans. I don't want i-it to t-take over a-again. H-help me please." Alphys looked at us like we were crazy, "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!" She yelled, I had no control over what happened next, I grabbed her soul with my magic and threw against the cavern wall. "YOU LITTLE!!" She exclaimed, stood up and wiped the blood from her mouth.

I looked at Sans he was froze in shear terror, No! I'm losing control of my actions! At that thought I felt my body beginning to shift, I fell to the ground. "Y/N!" Sans yelled, Alphys stomped over to us, "What is wrong with it?" she snarled. My tail, then snout, paws and horns appeared. (Pic at the top) I looked at Sans, "R.U.N." I growled, stood up and he shook his head. "I can't l-leave you." I looked over to Alphys, her eyes were filled with fear yet her expression was curiosity. "What are you?" she whispered, Sans skull lit up. "We just need something to contain you! Then when you calm down we let you out!" he exclaimed and held me in place with his magic. I can understand everything yet I can't control myself. The Fuck? My body began to growl and snarl loudly while Sans was mumbling something to himself. "Alphys!" Sans said, "What."-"Ask Undyne if she has anything to contain Y/n with." He told her and she rolled her eyes. "And why should I help you and the freak?" She snapped, "GRRRRR!" Okay now I did that one myself. Alphys backed up slowly, "Fiiiinne. I'll just take you to the lab." she grumbled. Sans sighed in relief and we walked towards the lab, Hopefully.


[Sans Pov]  

I'm just glad I could restrain her with my magic, last time I couldn't. Y/n's been able to control herself a bit more too. Currently Undyne was showing us around and taking us to the room that would hold Y/n. I looked over to her floating body which was encased in my magic, "Hang in there Buttercup." I whispered. I knew she heard because when I said it she looked at me with sad yet hopeful eyes. I hate seeing her like this. Just scared, upset and not being able to control herself. "Should we tell Blue, Stretch and Paps?" I asked, she nodded but then bared her teeth and growled. It took all of my will power to not put her down and pet her, yes she was currently a beast but her body was fluffy and cute in some ways. "H-Here we a-are." Undyne announced and we stood in front of a massive plastic cylinder. The hell does she use this for, Alphys back at home didn't have one? "G-getting her i-inside is w-whats wrong." Undyne said and I shrugged. I teleported Y/n inside the enclosure and Undyne and Alphs shared a look of confusion. I let Y/n go from my magic and she jumped out to the walls of the enclosure. Undyne shrieked and ran, "I'm goin' after her. No funny business." Alphys said, glared at me then walked out. Y/n was running around the cylinder and scratching at the walls. I chuckled, "Hey Buttercup, you're gonna wear yourself out." she glared at me and laid next to the spot I was standing. "I'ma go and tell the others where we are. Kay?" I told her and she 'nodded' her head. I teleported to Stretch and Blue's living room, I was picked up from behind and was engulfed in a hug. "BROTHER! WHERE WERE YOU? YOU SCARED US ALL! AND WHERE IS Y/N?" Paps exclaimed from behind me, Blue and Stretch walked into the room. "YES WHERE IS THE TALL HUMAN, Y/N?" Blue asked and I sighed. Explanation time... yay

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