Fear 5

493 12 11

AN:Hey my lovelies! How are ya? Anyways I wanted to say thank you for 30 reads this means so much to me!! And now on with the chapter.

[Y/N Pov]

It was going to storm tonight with lightning, thunder, and pouring rain. Isn't wonderful that my parents were tortured with electric? That day they were tortured with many things and of course one had to be electricity... "Get ready for the best night of your life Y/N." I mumbled sarcastically. I put on a random t-shirt and shorts, grabbed all my pillows, and shut my curtains as best as I could. At that point it started to rain, what time?..., it was only 11:45, I really hope everyone's asleep. I thought to myself and snuggled into my bed. About 30 mins later was when the lightning and thunder started. Flash! Boom! I whimpered and started to sob, "N-no... Ma-make it s-stop..." I silently cried. Then a big streak of lightning flew through the sky and a massive thunder clap came after. I screamed into my pillows to muffle the sound, "S-stop... N-no more!" I was shaking violently, N-no not a panic attack.... HOLD IT IN Y/N! I told myself. Somebody walked into my room, "F-frisk? What are you doin'?" I asked her. 'I came to check on everybody because I heard a scream.' she signed, Shit Y/N. "Uuhh maybe it was the w-wind?" I told her and she nodded. 'Why are you shaking?' frisk signed worriedly, "O-oh I'm just cold don't worry about it!" I said with a smile plastered on my face. She nodded and left the room, Flash! Flash! Boom! I started to cry again. That's when another person crept into my room and it wasn't Frisk. Why so many people? "You alright kiddo?" the person asked, I immediately knew it was Sans. Damnit you did it again! "Y-yea Sans, I'm f-fine." I told him, "Then why ya cryin'?" he asked and I wiped my face off. "Stupid lightning..." I mumbled, "What about stupid lightning?" Jesus does he have supersonic senses?! "Parents..." I sighed, he hummed in response. I looked over to my nightstand and grabbed the locket that was on it. (Just stick with me here) It was a silver chain with a F/C heart attached to it, on the back it read; If your ever scared hold this locket and we will be there. -Love Mom and Dad. (Dang Ima poet and I didn't know it) The inside was a picture of Mom, Dad, and me, "Whatcha got there?" Sans asked and I teleported him onto my bed. "Its a gift my parents gave me a long time ago." I said and handed it to him, after he looked at it inside and out he hugged me. FLASH! BOOM! I started to bawl my eyes out once again, Sans looked startled, "Woah woah, hey buttercup calm down." As soon as he said that his face turned bright blue and I giggled a bit until I realized what he called me.

[Sans' Pov]

Buttercup!? Come on Sans! You just had to say it didn't ya?! At first Y/N giggled and then realization struck her, her face turned bright red. (Yes it was magically bright enough to see in the dark.) We let go of each other and she still smiled, Man why does that smile make my soul thump? Wait Sans do you... like her? I smiled and blushed at the thought, Damn I've fallen hard and quickly... great she probably doesn't feel the same way at all. "What's with the nickname, bonehead/?" she asked me, "Eh it fits you." was all I said. She rolled her eyes and mouthed the word 'wow'. I looked at her, Flash! Boom!, sheer terror was written all over her face. I had almost forgotten about the storm and it appeared as if she had too. "Hey, look at me... It's gonna be fine, I'm here for ya." I said and grabbed her hand, Warm and... soft, she looked at me with tears streaking down her face. She started shaking so I pulled her down into the pillows and blankets and snuggled her. Her body began to slowly stop shaking but not completely, I wrapped my arms around her waist. "There see isn't that better?" I said to her, she turned her body towards me and kissed my cheek. I probably looked like a blueberry,she smiled and whispered, "Thank you." After that she slowly drifted off to sleep, and as usual I played with her hair. She smells like slight lavender and mint. Wow Sans that was totally not a weirdo thought. Every once in awhile she would shiver when there was thunder or lightning but that was it, so I decided to sleep as well. Sans you realize that the 3 nights you've stayed here you have slept with her, right? Eh I could care less... I like it. I said to myself and fell asleep.

{sans x reader} New LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora