Part 19

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An: this might be short cuz I'm writing on my phone so don't expect the usual 2,000 words.

[Y/n Pov]

I sat on the ground and put my head in my hands, god its all my fault, why did I let him get to me!! Everyone was panicking around the house, Undyne and Alphys were running around the room, Tori was crying and trying to keep her cool, Frisk and Chara were kinda in the same position as myself; on the ground in a ball, and Paps and Sans... who knows where they're at.

I wrapped my wings around my body tightly. Iv'e got to fix this! But how?!? At this point tears streamed down my face and my tail glowed basically every color because I was freaking out. The main colors it glowed was bright ice blue and red.

I didn't notice when my eye lit up, I didn't notice when f/c mist formed around me, I didn't notice that everyone had stopped what they were doing. But I did notice when several things around me, including myself, was wrapped in blazing f/c flames.

I looked up from my hands, the half of the room I was in was surrounded in bright f/c fire. Nothing was burning but it was really hot, I couldn't control it from how worked up I was. Everyone backed away from me, except Chara. "How about we get you out of the house, okay y/n?" Chara told me, "B-but Ga-Gaster." She went to grab my hand but had to pull away because of the heat, "He probably won't go to you while you're on fire." She chuckled at the end.

I teleported myself outside to the back deck. Frisk tried to open the door but I locked it and shook my head. She nodded, turned around and sighed something, everyone walked away from the door. The inside of the house was no longer on fire but somethings were charred.

"What do I do?!" I began speaking to myself, "I've got to fix this somehow! It's my fault to begin with!" I thought about all my magical powers and abilities, I thought about their strengths and weaknesses, I thought about the legends of Gaster (yes you knew about him just not personally) and I thought about what he had done.


Things were still burning around my body, I could control them but I kept the flames up for Gaster. I was still thinking on how to fix what I've done, then an idea came to me.

"Gaster used my soul to get back. So I'd have to use my soul to put him back or destroy him!! ....Wait... I'd have to.... shred my soul, or break it." My legs gave out and I fell back onto the deck, so I was no longer pacing. "But Y/n... your life, or theirs. They have to be happy, but what about Sans. They freaked out when I was taken so how would they act to this idea?!" I told myself, the thing is... I know exactly how to go through this plan.

"I've got to do it for them if they agree or not... I'll still tell them." I stood back up and teleported to my room. I began searching for my old journal, I once had to shred someone's soul before and I wrote down how I did it. I found the old brown leathery book and opened it.

Page 173

I killed more people today. It was the lab assistants, I did something that I call soul shredding. I basically grab one's soul, wrap it in my f/c mist, set it on fire, then 'explode' it. It was simple, ...not for the victim. The three I killed wouldn't stop screaming, they told me to stop and that it hurt but... they should know better than to ask me that. So future me, if you want someone to suffer like you did this is perfect for them. Especially when you hear their pitiful screams! It's exhilarating!

- Subject 047

Damn, I forgot how crazy I was. To bad I can't just use this on Gaster, his soul is to jacked up for this. I sighed and fell back onto my bed. "Of corse it's gonna hurt like hell. I mean I made it when I was in that hell hole so.." I whispered to myself. I've got to tell the gang I guess. But what if they say no? I... I might have to go behind their back unless we have a better idea or plan. I teleported myself to the living room floor which everyone was in the room.

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