An Old Friend Part 6

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AN: Hello my lovelies I hope you are having a wonderful Easter Sunday! Sorry for taking forever on this chapter I've been busy with quarantine work. Anyway here is the chapter! Enjoy! Also some things might change because I'm writing on my phone.

Y/N's Pov
It had been two days since Sans and I confessed in the garden. And nobody absolutely nobody knew about it. Everyone had gotten used to living in the house and on the surface. The morning he arrived was normal. I woke up with the sound of pots and pans clanging. "What the?" I said and opened my door, downstairs was Paps rummaging through the kitchen. "Hey Paps. Uh whatcha doin?" I asked the y'all skeleton, "OH HELLO HUMAN! IM GOING TO MAKE BREAKFAST SPAGHETTI SINCE YOU HAVE YET TO TRY IT!" He exclaimed. Wait hasn't Sans warned me about his cooking... Because of that I decided to watch what he was putting in the food, GLITTER?! "Wait Paps! Glitter? Really??" He froze when I asked him the question, "HUMAN! I AM DISAPPOINTED! GLITTER IS A NECESSITY FOR COOKING, ALL GOOD COOKS KNOW THAT!" Who taught him to cook? "Uh Paps? Who taught you how to cook?" I pity this teacher. They know nothing. I mentally face palm, "IT WAS UNDYNE. WHY DO YOU ASK?" He said and I shook my head, I should've guessed, and he went back to cooking. It only took him a couple minutes to finish the pasta considering the heat blast from the stove, I'm surprised the kitchen didn't burn down. Papyrus sat the plate down in front of me, it had charred noodles with burnt sauce to top it off. "WELL TRY IT BIGGER HUMAN!" He urged with puppy eyes, I took the fork and spun it in the pasta and then into my mouth. It tasted awful but I could definitely not tell him that, "It's wonderful Paps!" His face lit up at the comment, "REALLY!? THANK YOU HUMAN NOW I SHALL GET SOME SPAGHETTI FOR MYSELF!" As soon as he turned around I flared my eye F/c and teleported the noodles away. Paps turned around and looked at my plate in shock, "WOWIE HUMAN! YOU MUST LOVE MY COOKING!" All I could do was nod, I already felt those noodles coming back up. So I booked it to the bathroom and lifted up the toilet seat lid and emptied my stomach. "Uh you alright whoever's in there?" a voice asked, Sans. "Y-yea I'm fi-ine." I told him. He opened the door, "Woah what happened?" he asked. I laughed a bit, "Your brother's cooking." he started to laugh as well. "I warned ya. Wait... you didn't eat all of it... right?" He asked worriedly. "Hell no. I ate a bite and when he looked around I teleported it away." I whispered so Paps wouldn't hear. He chuckled a bit, "Why don't I go get you a cup of water for ya. Sounds like you just didn't have the stomach for it." I started laughing, "It was almost impastable to swallow." I commented back and he left the bathroom chuckling. Pop! "Huh?" I turned around to be face to face with a portal, and a black skeletal head. "Y/N iS tHat YOu?" a deep, glitched voice asked, "Y-yea? Who are y-you?" I responded. Wait... I know that face... ERROR?!? My face blew up with surprise, "ERROR!?" I almost screamed and he smiled. I ran to the portal, pulled him out and hugged him. He flinched at the contact and I immediately let go, "Sorry I forgot you didn't like that... Wait... where have you been!? I've waited 5 years for you! Now you show up in my bathroom? What the heck dude? That's kinda weird." I told him. "HeH ItS aLlRIght. ANd INk haS beeN ChAsiNg me ThaTs wHY I HAVenT BeEn aBle to SEe YoU. IM So SOrRy i WAsNT THeRe fOR You." He responded, "Do I need to beat up that ass again?" I joked.
It was a normal day I was only 12 and still at the lab. Every once in a while the test subjects were allowed outside so I went as far into the forest as I could. At that time we all had collars and they restricted us from going beyond a certain point. Error and I were playing in a clearing when the jackass turned up. Ink randomly appeared and walked towards us. "Error, why are you with this measly human girl? Whatever, I'm done with you destroying things." Was all he said and started to attack. "HEY! WaTch It! yOu MiGhT HURt Y/N!" Error yelled at Ink, I was seething with anger. My day had been bad enough I was put through dozens of terrible test and now this fuck attacked my best friend. So I did the first thing that came to mind, I flared myself up in F/c and summoned at least 20 daggers. Back in these days I was very unstable and almost crazy but Error helped. I launched every dagger toward Ink, he was facing Error and I was behind him so he didn't expect it. "L.E.A.V.E" I growled and incased him in my F/c magic. Ink looked as if he was scared but only for a moment, then he teleported away.
Flashback End
Error and I were talking and I totally forgot about Sans. The door opened and there he was and with one look at Error his eye sockets turned fully black, "Why the hell are you here?" He spat, I looked back at Error and his sockets were the same. Wait before this gets out of hand... I ignite my eye and teleported us to an open meadow in the forest behind my house. The skeletons didn't even flinch, Sans' left eye was smoking blue while Error had his strings all around him. "Girls girls calm down." I said and walked in between them, " Calm down?! Do you see who is right there?!?" Sans yells at me, I roll my eyes, "Ugh i should have known this would happen." I said and teleported a glass of water to me since I still had vomit taste in my mouth. "WHat Do YOu MeAN Y/N?" Error asked, "Remember you used to tell me stories about different universes and how you hated most of them when I was back at the lab." I recalled. Sans was in shock, "What!? You know this guy!?" I walked over to Sans, "Yes. He is my best friend from childhood, so calm yourself." I said and grabbed his hand. "He can still hurt you!" He defended and I face palmed... again. "Watch." I told him and walked over to Error. I looked at his strings and back at him with pleading eyes. He knew exactly what I wanted and sighed, "Thank you!" I said and started to climb on them. "See Sans! If he wanted to hurt me he would!" I reassured him, Error started to move the strings. Hold on... what is he? OH JEBUS NO! " ERROR YOU BETTER NOT!" I yelled down to him and he was already laughing, his strings started to tickle me. "AHAHAH... STOP!" I screamed, Sans was just about to attack Error when I started to laugh even more. "IT... AHAHA... TICKLES!" I giggled and Error lowered me a bit more to the ground so him and Sans could see me. My face was bright red and I was laughing hysterically, "Ssstooopppp!" I screeched. After that Error paused his strings and fell to the ground laughing, while Sans was standing in confusion. I walked over to Error and started to yell at him slightly, "HeY! YouRe MEaN!" He chuckled, I look over to Sans, "See he's not gonna hurt us ya doof." Error stood up, "Can WE TrUce So SHE DoeSnt KiLl Us?" he said and I giggled. "Whatever. Just don't hurt anyone especially her." Sans agreed, "Awww Error can't hurt me. He cares to much~ right... mom?" I said and laughed once again. Error rolled his pin pricks, "Can wE gO baCk nOw?" I nodded and teleported us home.
I was going to introduce Error to everyone but they already knew him. It was around dinner time so Tori made us some soup, I felt bad for Error nobody would really talk to him except me. Not even FRISK would go near him, at first it seemed as if he didn't care but after a while he looked a bit saddened. "Hey Frisk come over here." I told the child, 'What do you need?' She signed. I grabbed her hand, "I want you to come talk to Error with me." She froze 'He's scary' she signed shakily, "Look, he won't hurt you. Okay, he's my friend and if he tries to hurt you I'll protect you. I promise." She walked over to the couch with me, "Error I brought a friend." He looked up at me and the child behind me, I nodded at him. "HElLO FrISk." Error said as gentle as he could, she peaked from behind me 'Hi Error.' She signed quickly and Error chuckled. "See he's not that scary!" I tell her and Error just laughs more. She then reached out and touched him, Error fell off the couch and I grabbed her arm. "Nopenopenope! Touching is a nono for him. Okay." I told her and she nodded, i crouched down next to Error. "Are you okay?" I asked worriedly and he gave me a thumbs up. I turned around to find Frisk gone, "She's gone." I sighed and turned back to Error. "Are you staying here or what?" I asked and he tried to create a portal but failed. "DAMNit. gUEss IM StayIng wITh yOu." He said and I laughed, "Guess I'll have to set you up in my room if that's fine." I told him and he nodded. We walked upstairs after I showed him the house and I teleported a mattress into my room along with blankets and pillows. "I coUlD juST USe My STRinGs." He commented and I shook my head. "Oh when your power comes back can I go see Blue? Pleeeaaase?" I asked and he laughed, "SuRE I DOnt caRe." He said and I first pumped the air. I walked to the door, " You stayin up here?" I asked him, "YEaH SeE yoU laTER." I walked out and went back downstairs. I was about to walk into the kitchen when I heard a conversation, "Do you think he's a threat to us?" It was Tori. "I mean Y/N likes him and he hasn't tried anything yet." This voice was Sans, "I THINK WE SHOULD TRUST HIM BROTHER! IF Y/N LIKES HIM THEN I THINK WE WILL BE FINE, I TRUST THE HUMANS JUDGMENT!" Yep definitely Paps. I walk in, "Hey guys. Whatcha talkin about?" I asked. "We were talking about your friend, my child." Toriel said and I nod. "He really is harmless once you get to know him. Error has been my friend since I... i umm..." I trailed off and looked to my feet. "Hey kiddo. Look at me it's alright." Sans whispered to me, "But they don't know about that stuff. What if they judge me for it?" I whispered back. Paps leaned over to us, "What are you whispering about?" He said in a regular volume. I look over to Sans, "Should I?" he nodded. I looked back to Tori and Papyrus, "Boy do I have a story for you..." I sighed and motioned for them to sit down. " Basically my parents were killed when I was around 10. And I... I was there." I started. "My parents were what you could call spies, they worked for the government. The day it happened was their biggest mission yet and the people they were after... found me. At this time my 'abilities' were pretty much worthless so, I couldn't do anything. When they found me they took me. My parents found out and came to get me but, were caught. They told them that if they told them who and what I was and also who they worked for they would let us go. No person could know what I was, and nobody except for me could know who my parents worked for. So of course they refused to tell them and for that.... they were tortured.... in front of me. I don't want to say what they did but lets just say it was very gruesome. They eventually died... and then I snapped. I went on a rage...that night I killed over a dozen people at age 10! Soon enough I was found and put into a lab from there on I was known as subject 047. I was tested, cut, shot, and hurt in all ways possible just because I was... different. My parents always told me that my magic was a gift but after that day it was a curse. About 5 years later I escaped to an orphanage and was adopted by my now rich parents. They found what type of being I was, left me money and this house and moved to Colorado. I haven't seen them for 3 years..." I finished all throughout the story Tori just looked at me then she grabbed me... and hugged me. "My child I had no idea! I'm so sorry for what those people did to you!" Paps and Sans also joined in on the little group hug, "FEAR NOT HUMAN! I THE GREAT PAPYRUS WILL PROTECT YOU!" He told me and I giggled a bit. "Thank you. But you two can't tell anyone only you and Sans know okay?" They both nod their heads and leave the kitchen but Sans stayed. I looked at him and hugged him, "Thanks." he pulled back from the hug and kissed my forehead. "No problem. Why don't we head to bed?" He said I nodded and nuzzled my face into his neck. After we both let go we walked upstairs and went to our rooms, I opened my door and saw Error. He gave me a shit eating grin, "I sAW yOU TWo doWn ThERe." And wiggled his bone brow. I rolled my eyes and threw a pillow at him, "Shut up and goodnight." He gave a glitched grunt and went to bed. So did I.

An: Hey I hope you had a wonderful quarantine Easter! Goodbye my lovelies!!! - The one and only Hailee
Word count: 2428

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