Part 4

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AN: Hey lovelies how are you doing? I hope you are well, here's the 4th chapter!

                                                                          [Y/N Pov]

I woke up yet again with Sans next to me. Its been 2 days and we have already come so...close. I haven't had a relationship like this since F/N (Friend's name) but she betrayed me. I just hope Sans and the others don't either... Sans began to mumble something, "What do I do? I just met her!" he whispered. "What do you mean?" I whisper to him, he turns towards me with bright blue blush. "Pffftt." I giggle, "Ummm. N-nothing." he says, I raised an eyebrow. "Ya suurreee Sansy?" I said in a singsong voice, if possible his face turned a brighter blue. "Y-yea I'm sure." I tried to get off the bed but... What the heck? I look at my waist... S-sans' arms? My face turns bright red, "U-uh S-sans? Can y-you let g-go of my waist?" I asked. He immediately lets go, "S-sorry!" Sans whisper yelled. "I'm uh gonna go downstairs and make breakfast..." I said and teleported to the kitchen. I decided to make omelets, I got all the ingredients and started cooking.


After I finished making breakfast and everyone was done eating we went outside. We all decided to play hide in seek (YES I KNOW ITS CHILDISH BUT THE GAME IS FRICKIN AWESOME) Toriel, Asgore and Alphys sat out. Frisk, Undyne, and Mettaton were seekers first. So that left the skelebros and me to hide, and of course since it was my property I knew every spot. First to make it easy for them I teleported to the roof. From up there I could see Paps run to a bush and Sans... I have no clue where he went. I turned around to look at the front yard and found Sans right in front of me. "W-what are you doing up here? You almost gave me a heart attack!" I whisper yelled. "Eh I don't know, just thought it would be a good hiding spot..." Sans said. "FOUND YOU!" I heard Undyne yell, I looked over to the backyard. She was pointing at Papyrus, "DANG IT UNDYNE, NOW YOU MUST FIND SANS AND THE TALL HUMAN. I THE GREAT PAPYRUS SHALL HELP YOU!" he said and ran off. "Well I guess its just you and me." I told Sans. 


Its been at least 20 minutes! How have they not found us? I wondered. "ugg" I sighed, Sans gave me a look. "What? We've been up here for forever." I told him and he laughed. "Hmmm maybe we should give them a hint." he suggests and I nod my head. "Here I have an idea." I said and let my eye flare up F/C. I sent up a small flare like fire into the air and it exploded, "There that should do something." I said proudly. About 5 minutes later, "FOUND THEM UNDYNE, FRISK, AND METTATON!" Paps said and the three of them came running. "Good job Papy dear." Metta told him. I look over to Sans, "Guess we should get down." I shrugged. We both teleported down to the ground. Papyrus abruptly grabbed my shoulders and out of habit I surrounded myself in big F/C flames. "AHHH!" Paps screamed and I woke from the trance-like state I was in. I looked at him, I had singed his clothes and some of his skull, "OhmygodimsosorryPapyrusididntmeantodoit!" I panicked. "What the hell punk!" Undyne shouted. I was on the brink of tears, so I mumbled 'forgive me' and teleported to a little sanctuary garden that would take awhile to find. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME!" I screamed at myself and started to cry. This was a reason why most of my friends left me, because my abilities could go out of control. "They are gonna leave me too... Why me of all people..." I cried and sat there so I could calm down or else my powers would do something again. 

                                                                           [Sans' Pov]

We got down from the roof and Paps grabbed Y/N's shoulders. She immediately burst into F/C flames and Paps screamed. Holy shit! As if on command Y/N stopped the flames, "OhmygodimsosorryPapyrusididntmeantodoit!" She yelled. "what the hell punk!" Undyne then yelled. Oh no is she gonna cry, please don't cry kid... "Forgive me." she mumbled and teleported. "What happened?" Tori and Asgore asked, "I-I think Y-Y/N burned P-Papyrus." Alphys stated. "Why would she do that?" Tori asked, "Probably because the punks a human... No offense Frisk, you're an exception." Undyne snarled. "Guys what if we go find the kid and ask her why she did that. Maybe she has an explanation?" I said, I just hope she's okay... 'Yea lets go find her!' Frisk signed. Everyone looked at me, "She said we should go find Y/N." I translated. We all decided to go look for her and leave Paps and Toriel behind so he could get fixed up. I decided to look in the woods in her backyard. A couple minutes passed, Jeez kiddo where did you go? That's when I came across a lot of bushes and a door? Inside I heard cries and someone mumbling 'They're gonna leave me.' I immediately knew it was Y/N, so I walked a few feet away and called the others. "I found her... Just give me a few minutes and I'll bring her back." I said and hung up. I went back to the door and knocked, "W-who is it?" she sniffed. "Mustache." I heard giggles, "Mu-mustache who?" Oh this'll be good. "I mustache you a question but I'll shave it for later." I chuckled and Y/n opened the door. Inside was lots of flowers of all kinds, a tree with a swing, a bench, and a tiny fountain. "Wow.." I commented. "Yea its just a little get away thing." She said, "So... about earlier..." I said. "Damnit. I'm so sorry I really didn't mean to. My magic does that when I feel a strong emotion... I was really scared..." She looks down, Again!? Why does she do that? "Why do you always do that?" I ask. "Huh? Oh look at the ground... long-story-short (many dashes) I've had a problem of looking at people's eyes ever since the lab. I mean its gotten better but I still do it." She told me. Oh I understand now. "Do you wanna go back to the others?" I asked, "Um could we stay in here a bit longer?" she asked and I nod. "Oh! Come over here I wanna show you something!" she said and walked over to a flower. "Its called a skeleton flower! Its white now but If I do this..." Y/N summoned a little raincloud. "It turns transparent except for some parts which look like bones!" she exclaims. I don't think I've seen her this happy... I look at the flower, "Where is it from?" I asked, "Oh they usually only grow on mountains but... ya know magical abilities and all." she smiles, a... real smile.

This is a skeleton flower they are pretty to me.

After awhile of her showing me around I became fond of this place

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After awhile of her showing me around I became fond of this place. It really just reminds me of her in general. She has koi fish in the fountain and we fed them bread, we also messed around on her swing. I then got a text from Undyne.                                                                                                             (Sans= Italics Undyne= Bold)

You two done making out yet?

What the hell! We are not making out!

Oh sure you aren't you've been gone for forever! 

Just shut up Undyne! We are coming back.

My face turned bright blue from the conversation. "Uh Sans you good? You look like a blueberry. And thats not berry good." She laughed, Her laugh sounds so nice to me... NO STOP IT SANS! "U-uh lets go back..." I suggested. "Okay I'll teleport us. And you can come in here anytime, just don't tell anyone about it." I nodded and she grabbed my hand. My vision filled with F/C, Her teleporting feels nothing like mine. Its smooth and warm. As soon as I snap out of my thoughts we are back at the house. "How was the make out session?" Y/N went wide eyed and turned crimson, "EXCUSE ME..... BUT ABSOLUTLY NOT." She said. For some reason I kinda felt... hurt... and disappointed. "Anyway I'm sorry about earlier Undyne. Is Paps alright" Y/N asked with a worried expression. Undyne gave her a death glare, "Why did ya do it punk?" she snarled. And yet again she looked at the ground so I nudged her to put her face up. She looked up and said, "So basically when I feel a strong emotion my powers act up. And when Papyrus grabbed my shoulders I freaked and well you know the rest." This time she looked down only with her eyeballs and summoned a small F/C flame in the palm of her hand. "HOLY COW PUNK! That's pretty cool. Just don't do it again.

                                                                             ++++ another time skip cuz im lazy

It was time to go to bed so we all went up to our rooms, I watched Y/N walk into her room and I heard a thud. What the-. I listened through the door, "God damnit its gonna storm tonight... I might hurt someone! Nononono I cant! I just got back on good terms with them! Fuck you thunder and lightning. Why did I have to be scarred from you!!!" She whispered. What is she talking about? Is she scared of lightning and thunder? "Okay remember Y/N you cant wake anyone up tonight! Just stay calm..." she told herself. "Y/N,  if you need anything I'll be here." I told her, "Okay Sans. Goodnight." she responded. Well I hope she'll be okay.... Damnit Y/N what have you done to me? I chuckled to myself. I headed to my room and walked in and flopped on the bed. "Ahhhhh... sleep." I said and drifted off to darkness.

AN: How's the story so far? Hope you like it and are enjoying time off and stuff for quarantine! See ya next time! Goodbye my lovelies! ~The one and only Hailee

Sorry no drawing today.

Word count:1,715

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