It's Called Instinct

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Dick's POV

I hated briefings that were incomplete. But whenever we uncovered new information regarding unresolved missions, the Team needed to know. There were members in here that haven't been in the Hall for weeks, busy on other projects and monitoring other hotspots. It's been almost a month since the League left and we were spread thin across the globe. A regrouping was way past due at this point.

We stood facing the holographic screen hovering above the ground. At the moment, Barbara was sitting in her wheelchair and describing a diagram of the chips Luthor's company was pumping out like donuts.

"We still have no sighting of Luthor or known associates," She continued. "These microchips are in private manufacturing as we speak and are still being used for their primary enhancement functions. We're working on finding their current site headquarters. And we have a few places we can start looking."

She swiped her hand across the air and the the image changed. "Alpha and Beta squad are going to debrief on the most recent mission in New Orleans."

I nodded to Babs as a group of us made our way to the front. I cleared my throat, "Well, first things first, we now know how closely Darkseid and the Eclipse are working."

Kaldur gestured to the screen. Behind him was blurry footage from Beta's little scuffle. It was a shaky video but it painted a clear enough picture of how concerned we were. "Beta squad was able to secure blood samples of the creatures we were ambushed by."

I winced at the mention of the ambush. There had been plenty we could've done to help them but we didn't. He continued. "According to Alpha, Savage referred to them as test subjects."

"Whatever they were, where ever they were created in Dessad's lab," An image and profile of Dessad appeared. Babs sure loved her slide shows. "They mean serious business. Serious enough that Savage was the personal oversight."

"He even came with bodyguards," Cassie mumbled, interrupting me.

"Bodyguards," I repeated, a little caught off guard. Thankfully, M'gann was there to seamlessly catch my stumble. 

"Scarlet, now Shadow has been officially compromised," I hated how she addressed this so formally. I just clenched my teeth and kept quiet. "She has a group of teenagers with her, calling themselves the Squadron."

Bart somewhere in the crowd snorted. "Geek squad."

"They are on the watch list for the Tower," M'gann ignored the remark. "These are a dangerous group of individuals with serious enhancement and training."

"We are unsure of their current names or identities, but we have four associates that are very capable," I added on. Babs pulled up the four profiles I managed to put together with the help of M'gann, Tim, and Cassie. "Two females and two males. Only one male does not have a meta gene of any sort. But his M.O. is currently various forms of martial arts and blade work."

"The girls: one with water abilities, including shaping water and ice, and the other with cyborg traits but unlike I've ever seen before," Tim spoke up addressing the ladies I had my run in. "Her robotic arm is able to shift into whatever seems fit. The other male can change his physical makeup including diamond, cement, steel, etc. The extent of his powers were unclear but a present threat."

"Last but not least," I spoke hesitantly, but we couldn't forget about Kristen. "Shadow is also now host to the goddess Oana as far as we can tell. She no longer responds to Scarlet or Kristen and her new powers are still unknown. Levitation is all that we have listed but based on what we experienced on mission there clear signs of unused power, strength, speed, and capacity."

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